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A 04-12-08 03:36 PM - Post#431136    

  • Laree Said:
Oh, excellent! I thought you meant you needed to make a decision which to buy instead of which to start.

hihi, once you supply the info, Laree I act upon it quickly! ;-)

goal 1a: checked and decided:
I start with intu-flow, beginners class

frequency: once a day, first of all I will learn to perform the movements correctly, working up to the whole sequence

time: I do not want to impose a time limit on that, rather it has to grow organically. As coach Sonnor says, I challenge myself daily.
My ambition is to move through the whole sequence each day. But I'll log a report in two weeks.

Thanks everybody for your supportive comments. I did the most difficult part in bodybuilding, namely, I put myself onto the stage, LOL.

Godspeed to ya all.

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.
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