5 Exercises Everyone Should Perform -
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Display Name Post: 5 Exercises Everyone Should Perform
A 02-10-08 01:57 PM - Post#407360    

  • Laree Said:
  • standAPART Said:
We want to increase hip rotation (medial, lateral) and increase psoas activation during hip flexion and glute activation in hip extension. Lumbar rotation should stay to a minimum, although, if hips are properly mobile--it looks like lumbar rotation is excessive (look at a golfer).

As I'm *starting* to understand it, if you're standing and able to let your trailing let pivot (as in your golfer example), lumbar rotation is good and should be trained.

On the other hand, if you're stationary, such as on the floor doing floor wipers or any type of lying leg crossovers, lumbar rotation is bad and could cause problems.

Am I right so far?

If yes, where do medicine ball rotations fit in? For example, a deep lunge/rotate combination... it seems like these would be added to the fast-growing "no longer allowed" list. Yes? No?

Think Get-Ups.
Mark it Zero.
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