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Display Name Post: Gironda Bench Press to Neck
A 06-28-07 03:27 PM - Post#317287    

  • ccrow Said:
  • Quote:
I do neck presses twice a week and have no pain. How do you explain that if neck presses definitely cause rotator cuff issues?

One more time, I said the opposite of that, it doesn't always cause issues; it's still a high risk exercise due to the way the shoulder is made.

There are four muslces in the rotator cuff. They can be injured in a number of ways. The issues you have may not be the same one the neck press irritates in some / most people.

Ok. The point I was trying to make was that due to me already having rotator cuff problems, the neck press SHOULD aggravate it. I'm no expert on kinesiology, so I wasn't aware that it could be a different part of the rotator cuff that was injured, thus that being the reason I can't do bench press but can do neck press. I wasn't trying to cause a problem, just making a point. I understand what you're saying.

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