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Display Name Post: Gunvalds log: Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training
A 12-13-22 06:15 AM - Post#923792    

Full Body: 15 sets ~ 18 mins

BW = 218 lbs

3x8 - bodyweight
(30 sec)

KB Row
3x8 - 45 lbs
(30 sec)

Barbell Shoulder Press
3x8 - 70 lbs
(30 sec)

Dumbbell Curls
3x8 - 30 lbs
(30 sec)

Goblet Squats
3x8 - 24 kg or 53 lbs
(60 sec)


  • Cardio = 12 min

So today was time to get it on with 3x8! Ahh, it felt so much better than 2x8!!! It was really enjoyable to exercise today but this is about to get much better! I am rapidly gaining back what I lost during those 2 months of being away from exercise. I been here before (many times) and in a matter of 4-5 weeks I will regain almost everything that I lost. Very fun to experience these "muscle / strength / cardio memory gains" tbh! I will run the 3x8 till the end of this month but... if I feel its serving me further then I will go on with it and ride it as long as I feel its productive. But I will not let my emotions guide me and take over, if it was for my emotions I woulda instantly started with 6x6 and hard pushing when I came back 12 days ago

Well.. December is a month of gott gotti gott gott I am though counting calories and trying to stay around 3000-3500 calories which makes me think I wont gain much weight, if any! But its okay if I gain a bit, right now I am 218 lbs or 99 kg and a kilo or 2 is fine till the end of December. But for sure, 100% I will start my weightloss in the beginning of January. This time without any IF! I'm going back to old style of my diets which is 3-5 meals per day and much smaller portions, no more 1 meal per day and 2500 calories in 1 sitting!

Will by far be my best exercise and health year ever, by far and without doubt! but...this December month though is serving me as a pure warmup month so I can have a great start of 2023! my "new weapons" are going to be consistency but less intensity... training and not straining... stimulating and not annihilating... I will be coaxing my gains... a persistant persuasion of my goals!
IronOnline = best
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