KB "heartbeats" -
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Display Name Post: KB "heartbeats"
A 10-05-22 07:52 AM - Post#922375    

  • Brian Hassler Said:
I was watching the "Workouts and Complexes" video

Got a link for that? I looked around YouTube and DJU, couldn't find a group video like you describe.

Mostly, I'd like to see how they're being done. I tried them this morning and don't see what the fuss is about. If I extend the bell all the way forward, so my arms are straight, it just feels awkward. Anything heavier than an 8 kg bell starts to strain my joints and back. If I only extend part of the way forward, I don't see/feel any benefit beyond the static hold carries.

Personally, I like doing curls sometimes with a goblet hold. I prefer at the bottom of a squat versus standing up, so there's no risk of accidentally hitting my groin with the bell. :) Goblet squat down, do 5 curls, goblet squat back up. It's not an everyday thing, just a bit of extra seasoning to throw in occasionally.
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