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Display Name Post: Marty takes on that One Day a Week Study
A 03-17-21 06:30 PM - Post#908909    

  • Neander Said:
What the hell ever happened to lifting in Mudville?
There's no joy!

That's "play." That's not "training." This is english, we have an absurd number of words, let's use them. For example, "health" means more than "not sick." Health is the absence of sickness in the same way that a good marriage is the absence of domestic violence - well yeah, but there's a bit more to it than that.

Play is activity without purpose beyond the fun of the moment.

Exercise is getting your sweat on for a bit.

Practice is of technical skills.

Training is imposing a stress on the system sufficient that the system adapts so that it is no longer a stress.

They're different things, though obviously they overlap a bit - for children, play has a training effect, for example. And if your training never has any aspects of play you'll probably never stick with it. This is why my lifters come in groups - they've come to play with their friends.

We've got lots of words. Let's use them. It makes things clearer, that way.
Athletic Club East
Strength in numbers

Edited by Kyle Aaron on 03-17-21 06:31 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
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