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A 11-24-20 06:26 PM - Post#905009    

  • pink.pixie Said:
  • aussieluke Said:

I wear the Merrill Vapor Gloves. Still a shoe but very thin soft upper and a very thin flexible rubber sole with no cushioning at all. The outsole is just grooves in the thin rubber so no structure at all.

Crazily my knees have never felt better!

Fantastic! Thanks for your reply.

The shoe I saw was called "Merrell trail glove5 women" ** looks similar to your type (on the picture anyhow). Good to hear your knees are feeling good.

** (A different shoe altoghether compared to i.e. Salomon trail that feels basically 'glued' on the foot but that's still just a normal type of shoe which has a good grip, is steady but the sole twists when it needs to. Not sure how 'the flats' would perform in mud and on twigs in a forest and in/on stone hills. I guess I won't know until I try it out.

My neighbor pierced her foot on a rotten twig (hidden in a moss) when she was running in a forrest last August. It resulted in two operations, an open wound,(anaerob bacteria--> a tricky infection, and IV antibiotics during 10 days, a week in hospital and 3 months recovery...I am not willing to risk that.)

Keep up the good work and I keep reading

I have Merrell Vapor Gloves and they're fine for pavement or dirt but not so good for rocks, mud or twigs. I believe the Trail Gloves have a somewhat thicker sole with lugs that do better in rougher terrain. I have Vibram Five Fingers in both water shoe and trail running versions and the latter are much more comfortable for rough going.
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