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Display Name Post: DMPM Sticky
A 06-10-20 05:52 AM - Post#898979    

  • Cearball Said:
I think I may have veered to far off course but my current DMPM is

Weighted walking lunges x5 reps
Push ups (with bands) X3 reps
Weighted single leg deadlift X5 reps
One arm rows X3 reps

As many sets as I feel like.

Loaded carries (Cooke walks)

ATM my body really likes this.

This looks great Cearball. You are moving your body, opening/closing joints and flexing/extending muscles.

I am a little off piste myself. I am essentially doing:

Prone paddles x 50-100
Prone T’s x 20 (ish)
Clams x 10-20
Windshield wipers/egg rolls *
Rocking (I like forearm) *
Prone head nods and rotations * .... These are all for a handful of reps based upon feel.
Hanging x 1 minute
Dan John type TRX pec stretch, but with heavy looped band x 2 minutes.

Every second day add in:
Forwards//backwards mini band around wrists resisted crawling x 5-10 minutes.


Edited by Ricky01 on 06-10-20 06:05 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
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