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Display Name Post: Trouble understanding Original Strength
A 01-30-20 04:48 PM - Post#893386    

I am sure there is something good here, as so many of you are fans. But despite going through the books (the first one, and lately OS Performance twice), I'm completely confused about what a program might look like, and which things it's supposed to substitute for or replace.

I've tried nodding, rocking, rolls and so on as a warmup, for a few weeks, and don't feel it warms me up any better than, say, messing around on a foam roller, or my old home-grown dynamic stretches and easy calisthenics (planks, knee bends etc). Nor any worse. It's just warming up.

It just feels a bit like a mumbo-jumbo cult movement. Why is RESET in capitals? Am I supposed to shout it?

And I really don't get this "Tie the X" thing. How on earth would my X ever be untied? I spend so much of my life walking, running, climbing steps and so on, and I have never accidentally had one of my limbs out of phase with the others even for a second.

All I have so far extracted is that
1. Some gentle, rhythmic movement on the ground relaxes and prepares the body.
2. Crawling is a really great exercise and can be done many ways, with load too
3. Carries are good for you, ditto
4. The warmup should be appropriate to the workout

The OS Performance book seems to be very longwinded.
Can someone enlighten me if there really is some magic WTH effect to these RESETs performed in the precise order?

I completely believe there is something here, as so many of you have attested to it. I just wish someone could express it succinctly in plain English. Is there is a clearer exposition than the books somewhere?
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