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Display Name Post: Introductions, please
A 09-10-18 10:48 PM - Post#870327    


I'm Denny, turned 62 on Saturday, lifetime resident of Ohio. I've coached football and track for 40 years, but have decided to enter a new phase in life with a grandson who recently celebrated his first birthday. I've been fortunate to have been active virtually my entire life and find that consistency has been the key. Played around with powerlifting during my 20's and 30's, but mostly focus on trying to include the various facets of healthy habits such as strength, suppleness, and developing a measure of cardiovascular fitness.

It seemed likely to me years ago that sticking to things that render the most bang for the buck was the way to go. Four or five years ago I added kettlebells to the equation and didn't look back. I've lurked on this site for roughly three years and decided to take the plunge.

I've derived 10,000x more from this site than I will ever manage to contribute, but I'll try every now and again.

I know that there are those who are facing dark times in their lives, but I am convinced that for many our best days are ahead of us.
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