Dave's Top Squat -
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Display Name Post: Dave's Top Squat
A 05-21-04 03:52 PM - Post#5766    


Dr.Ken said:
Just to give a semi-commercial plug, we stress the deep knee bend so much at our place, that I wsasn't sure how much use we would have for the Top Squat. Quite a few of our college and pro football players like it so much that they use it for every squat session, primarily because their shoulders are always beat up from the constant contact work after spring ball, the wrestling and drills that accompany the off-season programs, etc. As much as I don't like to use anything that makes the squat more comfortable or "easier", with multiple shoulder surgeries, there are days when I squat ONLY because I have the Top Squat because I can't get one or both arms back in position to control the bar. So another plug for the Top Squat from the NY area.
Dr. Ken

Dr. Ken,
Is the Top Squat simular to the Safty Squat? Might be a good thing to buy for my garage weightroom. It's certainly cheeper. Sometimes my son's shoulders take a real beating from wrestling. Barney
Peace ~ Bear
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