Dumbbell Farmer's Walk -
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A 08-26-07 08:07 PM - Post#342061    

When channel surfing I will occassionally find the Met-Rx World's Strongest Man competition re-runs on ESPN. One event in every competition is some type of farmer's walk. The competitors are given something with a handle that is incredibly heavy to carry for distance and time. The guy that finishes first in this event normally wins the competition.

While researching the farmer's walk I read about an American strongman, Brad Cordoza. Mr. Cardoza, at 5' 11" and 240 ripped pounds carried 315# in each hand for 150' before dropping the weight. That is an incredible feat of strength!
In the interview Mr. Cordoza said his grip strength sucked before training the farmer's walk!
Do a quick web search on dave cordoza farmer's walk and check out the guy's forearms and traps!

The father of progressive weight training is a man named Milo of Croton. Milo is described in Greek legend as the strongest man of his day. As a young man, training for wrestling at the original Olympic games, he would pick up a young bull and carry it as far as he could. He did this each day as part of his training. Legend has it that when he arrived at the Olympic stadium for his first competition and carried the now fully grown bull the length of the stadium. He went on to win that Olympic competition as well as the next four Olympics!

One day it occurred to me the reason the farmer's walk is such a great exercise is because it works the body in a very basic way. Presses, squats, and curls are all great, but the ability to pick up and move a heavy object from one place to another is the most basic heavy lifting task we do in life. This being the case, the heavy exercise we are best designed to do is the modern farmer's walk.
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