Diablo -
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Display Name Post: Diablo
A 07-07-05 12:19 PM - Post#106617    

I may have hit my first hump. I have been dragging myself in to the gym the last couple of times in. No energy, motivation and a sapped will. I persist and after the hard work I find reward in pumped arms and sweaty clothes. I think this will be what makes or breaks me. The first real hurdle that tries to keep me from the gym. It's what makes me keep going, I don't want to be a quitter.

The workout started with not a whole lot of energy, but I finished strong. I have improved on all the exercises and am keeping to the 15-20 second breaks between sets. Not one friend I have taken with me can handle it. Kind of makes you feel good.

10 mins eliptical stepper
4 x 7 hammer grip pull ups
4 x 20 DBP, 50#
1 x 15 bar only squat, 1 x 15 bar + 10# squat, 1 x 15 bar + 50# squat
7x7x21 bent bar curls, 35#
4 x 15 tricept rope, 40#
7x7x21 bent bar curls, 35#
3 x 10 reverse crossover pulley, 40#
7x7x21 bent bar curls, 35#
3 x 10 lat pulls, 100#
7x7x21 bent bar curls, 35#
weighed in 181#

Finally today I get to start a reguar intake of complex good carbs. I finally got a grinder and my slow cooker. Made a batch of rice and beans in the cooker that came out crappy. Can't cook them both together cause the rice and barely turn to mush by the time the beans are done. Last night I cooked brown rice and barely only and it seems to have come out fine. As well I am eating canned kidney beans from time to time and notice that those hold me over very well and keep me from getting hungry again hours after I have eaten. As well I finally got my grinder. Till now I have been like a bird eating palms full of unground flax seed. Since I got the grinder I have been taking the ground flax in with my shake in the morning and at night. These things give a mental edge from knowing you are doing your body well by taking care of it this way. The effect is two fold. I have noticed a general uplift in mood from having started the flax and the omega complex supplimentation. This is where I say it could be a mental thing as well as actuall physical. (shoulders feeling last nights work, a bit tired as I type) Today I will take in the barley and rice mix from time to time as hunger dictates or I feel I should. I have noticed I don't eat as much as I think I should. I end up feeling guilty for eating this or that at any point in the day. Have become a carbo-phobe. Now with this rice mix I'll be able to feel good about what I take in for carbs and maybe I'll feel even better and less run down than I have been. I'll keep posting.

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth- MT
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