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Display Name Post: Unexpected place for a pivot discussion
Uncle Al
Posts 24932
08-28-21 10:32 AM - Post#912889    

  • Browser Said:
  • Jordan D Said:
Jim Wendler posted this today, about his own pivot. Perhaps of interest: weight-vest-training-bett er-than-average

Just read this and dammit it gave me the feels. This is going to happen to me one day, perhaps very soon. I’m going to go to lift and just be done. I’ve been thinking about quitting powerlifting and losing weight for over a year. I just don’t know what I would do with myself. Maybe something like Jim posted here. I like Dan’s snatch / clean & jerk / walk program too. Had another crappy deadlift workout today so now I’m going to have two martinis and watch Seinfeld.

LOL. Hey, don't forget Brandon Lilly, who also abandoned the sport and started his own cult of kettlebell circuiteers. A few of my gym mates are onboard. I joined them during the lockdown, then cycled back & forth between the circuits and my goto powerlifting-bodybuilding routines until I was forced into DMPM mode before my surgery.

That middle road is something you might consider, rather than abandoning powerlifting altogether. It's the route I plan to take as my ancient body continues to balk at every effort to be strong and jacked.
Be strong. Be in shape. Be a man among men, regardless of your age or circumstances.


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