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Display Name Post: 10,000 Swings and Done
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02-10-21 11:20 AM - Post#907650    

  • WxHerk Said:
Well done, Mate!!

I'm looking forward to your starting your second thread as you are a terrific read, whilst being informative and making some very good points!!

Thanks for your kind words. I'm not sure I can take the credit, it's the programme/challenge set up that makes you think, and switch on to what you're doing. Would say same about DFW, so maybe just something there about reducing training 'clutter'.

Was pretty humbling as well, expected presses to be challenging as I am ectomorphically challenged, but I confess I expected the rest to be easier than it was. I can swing a 32 for 100 reps not easily but comfortably off the bat. Humility is good for the brain cells I think.


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