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11-21-20 11:05 PM - Post#904922    

All good points, thanks!

I've always been one of those guys who is like a finicky European sports cars that needs tweaking and tuning all the time. But once I'm dialed in I can give it all I can on a long day in the Grand Canyon or similar.

One thing that I've done a good job of is resisting the siren song of doing an ultramarathon of any sort. I think the sport of trail running has been taken over by the ultra guys. Personally I think the half marathon distance is the perfect distance. Long enough to feel that you've accomplished something, but not so long that it eats up a lot of family time. I can train for 3-4 hours on a Saturday morning for a half marathon, take a quick catnap and be ready to spend the day shopping with my wife or running errands. Looking over my training logs, I rarely if ever get over 25 miles a week of running.

Guess I'm more nervous about the career ending injuries and how to avoid them at my age (54). Have been smart enough to realize that guys over 6 feet tall and 180+ pounds don't win or place in my age group no matter how much training I do. Focusing now on single day experiences like a long day in the mountains rather than an organized race.


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