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Old hand here on IOL
Posts 928
05-24-20 02:30 AM - Post#898406    

  • Dan John Said:
I have no idea. I think sometimes, like the 220-Age number, are just convenient lies.

That sounds about right - unfortunately.

I suppose it is useful if you want to see if you are making progress, comparing efforts on it.

I was hoping to take the calorie count and using a calculator over at exrx to compare it to my efforts on the treadmill at the gym; do a METS to METS comparison.

I hadn't used the Airdyne in a long time. When I stopped going to the gym, earlier this year, I started using it again.

I am hitting 500 calories for 30 minutes on the Airdyne, doing steady state work.

Over the last week, I have begun alternating HIIT with MISS (Moderate Intensity Steady State.) I would like to compare my Airdyne efforts with my long history of treadmill work. However, I suppose I will just have to compare apples to apples.

Thanks for the response Dan. I hope you and your family are healthy and staying safe.

Stay Healthy, Stay Strong


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