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Display Name Post: Books listening to Dan John made you buy.
Posts 1741
06-15-20 04:52 AM - Post#899165    

  • Dan John Said:
Thank you. I hope people realize that when I recommend a work, it should be on the shelves for a while...ideally!

Dan, while not strictly training related, I read a book last year that made quite an impression on me and knowing you are a fan of The Sword in the Stone, you may (or may not) want to check it out.

It's a book called 'H is for Hawk' by Helen MacDonald. It's a biography and ties together someone coping with loss, trying to train a Goshawk and almost a shadow biography of T. H. White.

You may want to check it out, and you may or may not like it but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway. Not my usual type of read but definitely one of the more engaging and interesting books I've read of late.

Edit: My memory isn't what it was ... I've just seen the dedicated thread and realised I've already mentioned this book and you have already read it.

I need putting out to pasture clearly!

'You can throw in the towel or use it to wipe the sweat off your face and keep going'

'Well ain't this place a geographical oddity? Two weeks from everywhere.' Ulysses Everett McGill


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