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Display Name Post: How much am I hindering myself by changing my workout frequently?
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11-23-19 11:09 AM - Post#890678    

For things like loaded carry I increase the distance as able I don't time it I just kinda walk with whichever carry I choose until my grip fails and note the distance or how many times back and forth I get.

Testing myself not so much I'm building myself right now and haven't gotten to the test part yet so much as ok I feel good I busted out all my sets now can I do another 40 swings? That's the only testing I do.

Goals with fitness is something that I have difficulty without a barbell. I only have a 24 and 32 kg kettlebell so I took around with them. The last goal I met was the simple standard, Infact it was the last program that I completed. Will honestly say I wish I didn't waste the time on it as I find that it did nothing for my cardio/endurance really. I find that I get more from just out busting out max rep swings.

Goals I guess I want to be able to hike for hours. I've never been a runner so to be able to walk for 10 hours, so work capacity is my goal. It's not very specific I'm sorry. With the tools that I have I am not sure of what I should be shooting for goalwise. 10k swings isn't an option because I like to be able to walk the next day.


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