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Display Name Post: Man Who Claims To Be REVERSE Ageing        (Topic#38171)
Total Posts: 1461
04-21-23 08:09 AM - Post#925160

Piers Morgan speaks to tech entrepreneur Bryan Johnson, who is 45 years old but claims to have the organs of a much younger man due to a strict and regimented lifestyle led by science.

Bryan takes over 100 pills a day and doesn't drink or eat junk food - and insists he's the happiest he's ever been. So can we really reverse ageing?

"Go Henry - Live, lift, learn and grow - Never quit - Dave Draper"

Total Posts: 32
04-23-23 10:23 AM - Post#925166    

When does he plan on stopping the process or will he remain at forty-five forever?
Time flys like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

Total Posts: 1461
Man Who Claims To Be REVERSE Ageing
04-23-23 12:24 PM - Post#925167

Presently he's ageing at the rate of a 10 year old.

What he does everyday cost a lot but remember he sold his business to the likes of paypal for 800 million.

The food recommended is what I already eat . . . ything-you-need-to-know-a bout-spermidine/

"Go Henry - Live, lift, learn and grow - Never quit - Dave Draper"

Total Posts: 755
Re: Man Who Claims To Be REVERSE Ageing
04-25-23 09:58 AM - Post#925169    

Thats an unsustainable lifestyle IMO. Especially since he'll probably live to an average age. Although he might feel better than others of the same age.
Total Posts: 1461
04-26-23 06:03 AM - Post#925171    

Never heard of spermidine in food or a supplement before this. Went out and bought some wheat germ, already eat the other foods.

"Go Henry - Live, lift, learn and grow - Never quit - Dave Draper"

Total Posts: 1021
05-01-23 10:45 AM - Post#925178    

My approach to anti-aging was a sausage egg McMuffin, hash brown, and a large coffee. I saw the above fellow hosting Will Tennyson on Will Tennyson's Youtube page. (Bryan Johnson) He is obsessed and as stated above, this is not sustainable. Will said the fellow's cost to follow this lifestyle is $1,000,000 annually. That is above and beyond his normal cost of living.
Longevity is such an inexact science. Aubrey De Gray of Oxford left physics to study aging. Currently his conclusion is we are like old cars, an oil pump here, a thrown piston there. When a part breaks down, we replace it with an organ we have had grown using our own DNA. In regards to our aging I read an article which stated what we all know, do not drink, do not smoke and eat in moderation. Until I start growing my own replacement organs that will have to do.
Bacon is the gateway meat. - Anthony Bourdain

The world needs fewer business majors and more history majors. - Carl Sagan

Total Posts: 1461
Re: Monthly Blueprint cost
05-02-23 11:56 AM - Post#925179    

Nobody has to follow what Bryan's doing but if there's anything useful.

  • Quoting:

Monthly Blueprint cost = $1,684.50
Supplements Costs $11.24 / day
prices depending were you live

"Go Henry - Live, lift, learn and grow - Never quit - Dave Draper"

Total Posts: 1461
05-05-23 03:51 PM - Post#925187    

I buy some supplements, your normal gym guy kind.

Ive been vegan but it's not for me since there's so much delicious meals with meat. With summer around the corner how about a good hard ice cream in a waffle cone.

"Go Henry - Live, lift, learn and grow - Never quit - Dave Draper"

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