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Display Name Post: Dear Dan, can low reps build muscle?        (Topic#37531)
Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
01-16-21 10:50 AM - Post#906821 EJW816QE0K93F-EAST-BERLIN -SOVIET-UNIONS-DAVID-RIGB ...

Ummmm. Yes. Low reps with heavy load.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

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Total Posts: 20705
Re: Dear Dan, can low reps build muscle?
01-16-21 10:56 AM - Post#906822    

  • Dan John Said:

My favorite lifter.
Mark it Zero.

Total Posts: 320
01-17-21 06:56 PM - Post#906857    

David Rigert, not Rigbert, just in case someone decides to look him up. His son is a coach now.

Kyle Aaron
Total Posts: 1911
01-17-21 08:31 PM - Post#906862    

In this case, there may have been factors other than his rep range preferences.
Athletic Club East
Strength in numbers

Total Posts: 507
01-17-21 08:46 PM - Post#906863    

Rigert could’ve built muscle opening pickle jars. A freak of the highest order.
"The trouble about always trying to preserve the health of the body is that it is so difficult to do without destroying the health of the mind."~GK Chesterton

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
01-18-21 10:59 AM - Post#906887    

I think Kyle's referring to 'dietary supplements'.
Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
01-18-21 06:56 PM - Post#906922    

He was the only person ever to do them.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

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Reread great books. Say thank you

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
Dear Dan, can low reps build muscle?
01-20-21 11:59 AM - Post#906980    

Dan, the question isn't whether or not he was the only 'assisted' lifter ever to take the platform.

The original question is whether utilizing lower rep ranges can build muscle tissue. There are a multitude of factors that go into how muscle is built, and if a lifter utilizes anabolics than it's difficult to determine how effective the training plan is versus the chemical assistance.

I'm not making any moral judgements on anyone's drug use, nor am I making any accusations as I have no idea whether or not he used, but when we're discussing the efficacy of training methods you must take into account these factors.

My only point is that if someone is taking something which turns 'on' protein synthesis in the body than it's really difficult to evaluate the efficacy of their training as their program (rep ranges, load, frequency, etc) isn't the only stimulus for muscle growth. The drugs have to be factored in. I just think it's reductionist to look at world class athletes and take much information for a natural trainee who relies solely on diet and training (and recovery) as stimulus for growth.
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Edited by Mr. Kent on 01-21-21 10:40 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
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