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Display Name Post: Reminds me of "Meat, leaves and berries"        (Topic#37515)
Total Posts: 35
01-06-21 10:49 AM - Post#906417    

An article that calls out some parallels as I recall: g-day-diet-why-i-eat-the- same-thing-every-day/
Total Posts: 304
Reminds me of "Meat, leaves and berries"
01-06-21 11:35 AM - Post#906418    

I think the diet make up is less important than this 'settle on a consistent menu of fairly bland, less palatable foods because they’re even less tempting to overeat.' and 'The trick here is to aim for “palatable enough.”'

I went vegan for 6 weeks prior to Christmas. I ate lots of (to me) very bland food. I repeated many meals but I didn't restrict calories or count food, but I ended up eating less, mainly through boredom and found I was generally less interested in food. I lost weight, although that wasn't my goal. I think the repetition and less tasty nature of the food made the difference. Previously I found a similar effect with an Atkins style diet. Lockdown also helped as I didn't eat any restaurant or take away found during that time.

That said I did enjoy my Beef Wellington on Christmas day! I wouldn't want to eat in such a repetitive fashion day in, day out. But I think it is a great thing to do for a month or a season. Famine before feast, or Advent before Christmas.

Training Blog.

Edited by rudd777 on 01-06-21 11:45 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
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