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Display Name Post: Suitcase carry variation        (Topic#37420)
Total Posts: 2
10-10-20 03:08 AM - Post#903325    


I once read a article about things you could do in your daily life to increase/maintain fitness. One of the things was walking to the grocery store and carrying your groceries back, here is the fun part: Try swinging your grocery bags slightly, increasing the swing until you reach a good amount of tension in your midsection.

Anyways I tried applying this slight swing to the suitcase carry and it just lights up everything in your entire body. I try to find a line on the floor( no wider than a 2x6") and walk with my feet close together (heel to toe). Forward and backwards.

*Suitcase carry position
*Swing the bell slightly(the bigger the swing, the harder)
*Walk with feet close together in a heel to toe fashion forward and backwards.

I love this variation of the carry, i do it for 30/30 switching hands for 5-10 minutes with a 24k bell.

Dan John, thanks for everything you do for the health and fitness community, such a likeable guy!

Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
10-10-20 09:56 AM - Post#903329    

Thank you.

Walking the line is really a good key. Literally, walking a line with suitcase carries. It just seems to highlight any and all issues.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

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Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Total Posts: 1179
10-10-20 11:07 AM - Post#903332    

I’m going to try this. Lately, I’ve been working on keeping the unloaded arm close to my side, not moving. Instead of moving that arm for balance, Y try to sense the movement in my core as muscles fire and relax to balance the bell.
Total Posts: 2
10-11-20 03:18 PM - Post#903371    

Walking a line has made a big difference in all the loaded carry variations, but especially the ones with a offset load.

Let me know how it went vegpedlr :) I try to move really slow and keep complete control when i take a step. I kinda have to, if I don't the KB will throw me.

I pair this exercise with hang variations & goblet squat holds, feel so refreshed after.
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