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Display Name Post: MMS results are in        (Topic#37378)
Total Posts: 21
09-10-20 10:24 AM - Post#902204    

Decided to do MMS , so I ordered the book, read a bit and decided to give it a go.
Bit of history:
I'm 42 and pretty active my whole life, did competitive kickboxing when I was young and lifted some weights on and off since I was 16. Never got strong though.

Lifetime maxes: 140 kg DL, 100 kg bench and 100 kg squat.

Past year I have been training with kb's mostly and I really love it. 5-6 days a week I did a few cycles of Rop and easy strength with good results. Also tons of goblet/racked squats. Ran a few of geoff neuperts programs (kb complexes).

Last year I started with 1 goal and that's to press the 36 kg bell over head with strict form. A year later I made some great progress. (Did ROP with 28 kg bell) but haven't managed to strict press it. I did however manage to minor injure both my shoulders prior to starting MMS.

Loved most of the program.

Hated the barbell squats, last day managed 50 reps with 50 kg, which I'm kinda proud of. I never was a good squatter so went with the lightweight squat plan.

Loved the complexes, will keep doing them in my next program.
Barbell press went from barely 1 rep with 55 kg to 60 kg for 3 reps. This was the weight I used for my heaviest complexes.

I didn't do bench because I train at home and my power rack arrived just last week. Instead I did kb floor press.

Oh and I didn't gain any weight. I didn't eat enough, 4 weeks of training fell in my holiday, which gave me plenty of time but I was never hungry.
I did gain strength and people gave me some compliments so I figure I have lost some fat along the way.

My pistol squat went from 1 rep to 5-6 crisp reps which is huge improvement. Legs feel great, I train kickboxing and notice my legs are stronger and my mobility has improved. My best all-time best double kb press was 2 reps with 2x28 and yesterday I did it again. Week before I started MMS I couldn't do 1 rep bc some shoulder injury.

Complex went from 50 to 60 kg.

I'm happy with those results.

Oh and I didn't do the last training day because I got ill and had a covid-19 test a few days ago, which came out negative.
Also I am happy with my 50 kg for 50 reps. Which btw almost made me pass out haha.

Now, my long-term goals are to climb the strength ladder (list from game changer article) and see if I can make it to 4x7 in the next 20 years or so.

Are there any books you can recommend that have some sort of programming that I can follow.

I thought about following 531 programme to hit my first targets which are:

20xBW trx row (can do 10)
double clean 32x10 (can do them with 2x28 kg)
double kb fr sq 32kgx10. (Did 2x28x10)
5x32 double kb press (can do 2 double 28

Ps. English isn't my native language as you might have noticed.
Ps2 I love the podcasts, plz keep doing them. Learned a lot from them.
"Sure there have been injuries and deaths in boxing - but none of them serious."
- Alan Minter, Boxer

I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada."
- Britney Spears,

Boxing’s all about getting the job done as quickly as possible, whether it takes 10 or 15 or 20 rounds."
- Frank Bruno, Boxer

Total Posts: 334
Re: MMS results are in
09-10-20 01:07 PM - Post#902213    

Welcome aboard, JIMMYDS!! Those are very good results and, most importantly, you have developed forward momentum. Just keep showing up and keep showing up: the results will keep showing up.

You have come to the right place, a lot of very informed, accomplished people who love to help.

Your English is terrific!
Just my 2¢

Total Posts: 21
09-10-20 02:42 PM - Post#902216    

Thx, I think I will keep a log on here seems like the best place to make it happen.
"Sure there have been injuries and deaths in boxing - but none of them serious."
- Alan Minter, Boxer

I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada."
- Britney Spears,

Boxing’s all about getting the job done as quickly as possible, whether it takes 10 or 15 or 20 rounds."
- Frank Bruno, Boxer

Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
09-10-20 02:50 PM - Post#902218    

That's excellent.

Remember: this is a program for collision sports! If you don't want to gain weight...don't eat crazy.

Thanks for all of this.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Total Posts: 21
09-11-20 12:40 PM - Post#902285    

Hi Dan,

I didnt know it was meant for collision athletes.

I noticed a nice increase in work capacity. Mostly that I needed shorter rest while moving heavier weights around.

The first week I needed long rest periods, especially after finishing the complexes, I needed plenty of rest before even attempting the high rep squats.

The last week I could start right away with the squat movement.
"Sure there have been injuries and deaths in boxing - but none of them serious."
- Alan Minter, Boxer

I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada."
- Britney Spears,

Boxing’s all about getting the job done as quickly as possible, whether it takes 10 or 15 or 20 rounds."
- Frank Bruno, Boxer

Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
09-11-20 01:49 PM - Post#902291    

It was DESIGNED for them. Then...I decided to see what it could do for others.

Vinnie Tanner, he posts here, was one of the early users and his experience sold me on the program.

The work capacity is the thing that shocks most people.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Total Posts: 21
09-13-20 05:45 AM - Post#902351    

Good to know, will check that post out. Thx.
"Sure there have been injuries and deaths in boxing - but none of them serious."
- Alan Minter, Boxer

I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada."
- Britney Spears,

Boxing’s all about getting the job done as quickly as possible, whether it takes 10 or 15 or 20 rounds."
- Frank Bruno, Boxer

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