Looks like Glassman is out -
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Display Name Post: Looks like Glassman is out        (Topic#37290)
Total Posts: 23
06-24-20 02:47 PM - Post#899555    

I never thought it would happen.

Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
06-24-20 02:52 PM - Post#899556    

I have no response.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
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Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Chris Rice
Total Posts: 702
06-24-20 03:43 PM - Post#899557    

Well if the stories are right he made a boatload of money and had lots of young women so I guess he did OK from Crossfit.
Jack C
Total Posts: 2683
06-24-20 04:25 PM - Post#899559    

A marketing genius.

Leo M
Total Posts: 357
06-24-20 06:25 PM - Post#899562    

  • Chris Rice Said:
Well if the stories are right he made a boatload of money and had lots of young women so I guess he did OK from Crossfit.

For some, that would certainly offset the reputation he departs with. For many others, it would not.

ATC Fitness

Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
06-24-20 07:27 PM - Post#899564    

After going to my brother Phil's funeral a year ago, I realized that money (and maybe the desires of the flesh) just pale in the face of an life lived well.

I feel bad about not stepping up IN MY HOME when he said misogynist things at my dinner table but our damn rules of welcoming in our home got in the way. I regret that. My daughters, my Twin Wolves, called me out on it.

I told Laree today about the "who" in my other story.

So, there you go: I could have spoken up early and often on a few occasions and did not.

Greg will have a lot of money...maybe. Once the tipping point tips...it swings hard. If those who saw things step up and the others support these claims, there is a system to deal with it.

Silence is golden...for the tyrants.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

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