Priorities in a “park bench” routine. - home Home
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Display Name Post: Priorities in a “park bench” routine.        (Topic#37029)
Total Posts: 49
12-20-19 09:00 AM - Post#891596    

So I just finished up Mass Made Simple, and I’m working on putting together a “park bench” style routine for the next several weeks, months....whatever!

I’ve decided I need to improve my overhead pressing, and I’d like to do some arm work, as I’ve never really done it, and think it may help my chronic issues with Golfers Elbow. Other than that, I just want to generally continue getting stronger, and lean out while keeping my gains from MMS.

My plan for now is to do 3 sets of the 6 primary movements.. probably 3 times a week. Exercise selection isn’t something I’m worried about for now, I’ll pick something, test, and assess.

On to my question, what has everyone found to be the best way to prioritize in a full body general routine like this?

My plan was to make my “priority exercises” first in each session.. If they aren’t progressing, cut out some of similar exercises, or less “important” exercises. In example: Military Press not making good progress, so do one less set of Bench Press per session. Another thing I’m toying with, is the idea of supersetting most of my exercises except for my “priority” movements, which will get total, dedicated rest. Again, that’s more of a measure I’ll take after assessing my progress.

Edited by Boogieman on 12-20-19 09:02 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 1179
12-20-19 11:53 AM - Post#891605    

For me, it has been working the hinge. So priority when doing ES is swings, goblets, and DL. They seem to have the most carry over to MTB. Loaded carries have also been great for riding technical terrain. These are also the moves that I never did for years and years because I didn't know about them. My upper body is really weak, so it doesn't seem to matter what I do there, just push and pull a little every time.
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