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Display Name Post: Music writer Ted Gioia on sportsmanship        (Topic#37869)
Total Posts: 1479
01-05-22 01:48 PM - Post#915870    

"...I still believe that sportsmanship is the single most neglected concept in all of athletics. You can listen to sports talk radio for a year, and not even hear the word mentioned once. Yet it ought to be part of our everyday dialogue about any sphere of life involving intense competition." torfind-a-nemesis?
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Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
01-05-22 02:17 PM - Post#915873    

Wow. Great article. Thank you. It's going to be in next week's WW.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Total Posts: 1479
01-05-22 04:20 PM - Post#915880    

Ted Gioia is a great writer. It's off-topic, but I recommend Music: A Subversive History as a good starting point...
Check out my critical-thinking blog at

Total Posts: 404
01-05-22 10:04 PM - Post#915887    

I’ve been watching college basketball games since Lew Alcindor played. Some time in the last 5-10 years I started seeing something that really bothered me. Two years ago I saw it in televised games, jotted down the time when it occurred, described what happened, and emailed the coaches of the players involved.

Used to be when one accidentally knocked an opponent down, one offered him a hand up. Now, there seem to be two options: 1) the downed player is swarmed by players on his time who don’t let the opponent give a hand; 2) the downed player ignores the hand offered by an opponent until someone from his team appears to help him up.

In my emails to the coaches of the players demonstrating this sort of tribalism, I noted that kids watching imitate what they see. I asked the coaches at what level kids should start imitating this behavior. Varsity high school? Middle school? I concluded by asking whether my daughter in her pinnie playing soccer in pre-school should’ve learned not to offer a hand to someone she knocked down.

I never heard from the coaches.
Total Posts: 334
01-06-22 11:49 AM - Post#915899    

  • RupertC Said:
Ted Gioia is a great writer. It's off-topic, but I recommend Music: A Subversive History as a good starting point...

Great writer ? ? ? Shoot. He's incredible. I'm so envious of he finds similar threads on seemingly different topics and ties them together.

Thanks to Mr. Gioia and you, RupertC, I discovered Eva Cassidy. I'll never hear "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" the same again....

Just my 2¢

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