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Display Name Post: Marty Gallagher - Offseason Training        (Topic#37382)
Total Posts: 90
09-13-20 03:36 AM - Post#902348    

Good morning gentlemen,

I admit, this is not Marty's Forum, but short of contacting him directly, which I'd ultimately do, I thought I'd try my luck for pointers here, first, given the well-read and experienced audience.

I read "The purposeful primitive" and also read the better part of his blog posts. His periodization style is very clear, and his training approach (one real top set per week) tempting. He is very transparent in the resources with the sets and reps for a focused program, what I couldn't find however, is his "park bench" recommendation.

I found he recommends specialization routines for the off season, and heard him saying in passing during one of his podcasts "off season it's just sets of 8" (paraphrased).

Do any of you know any resources where he goes into more detail on what call the park bench workouts here?

Thanks in advance and

Best regards!

Total Posts: 369
09-13-20 06:54 AM - Post#902355    

Good morning gentleman,

I have listened to quite a few interviews with Marty about stories and "once -a-week" training.

Now this is just a brief summary of what i have gathered.

1. After a meet - do cardio and mobility for a period of time fitness/fitness013001.htm t-training-overhead-press /

Hope this helps :)
Total Posts: 90
09-13-20 12:38 PM - Post#902362    

Thank you!
I had found the second link, but not the first. Seems like he is consistent in his opacity :-)

Guess I'll stick with Dan's minimalist program for now, and will see if I can clear the schedule for 12 wks of Marty's peaking.
Total Posts: 20705
09-13-20 01:28 PM - Post#902363    

As an aside, because I had a background is team sport as both a scholastic and college athlete I was used to a seasonal approach to sport.

I did three sports in high school, so it was simply a matter of going from one sport to the next. There really was no off-season per se because after track was over school was out and we then went to "Captain's Practice" for football.^

Once I found my groove with powerlifting I modeled after my high school experience.

1. Powerlifting Season was January 1 up to the last meet which was the Firemen's Olympics. And those Olympics were my everything.
2. Post-Season which started one week after the last meet. It was no more than jogging/running along with pull-ups and dips. This culminated in a 10k race in mid-October.
3. Pre-Season was from late October until Christmas Eve. (I took the Holidays off. Egg Nog hangovers are a monster.) All I did was the Bill Starr Big 3. I pretty much followed the basic routine to the letter. It really got me ready to go for the upcoming powerlifting year.

Upon retrospect I was always curious if doing a bodybuilding centric phase would have been better than the Big 3. I doubt it.

*In the prehistoric past there were fairly strict rules about how many "practices" can occur during any given period. For example: You could have 20 spring football practices. So we would drag our asses out to the field for four weeks and work on plays and conditioning.

During the summer there was to be no practices conducted by the coaches. So what was the workaround? The coach would give a sheet of whats to be done. The coach could be seen several blocks away from the field with binoculars taking roll and watching the whole thing.
Mark it Zero.

Total Posts: 90
09-15-20 08:06 AM - Post#902425    

  • DanMartin Said:

During the summer there was to be no practices conducted by the coaches. So what was the workaround? The coach would give a sheet of whats to be done. The coach could be seen several blocks away from the field with binoculars taking roll and watching the whole thing.

Coming from a basically club sport only country those stories always are pretty interesting :)

Thanks for the input.
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