- another site full of 1940s to 1970s articles  - home Home
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Display Name Post: - another site full of 1940s to 1970s articles         (Topic#37113)
Total Posts: 650
02-14-20 09:43 PM - Post#894196    

Many, many articles (more than 320 thus far) of lifters and bodybuilders from Bob Hoffman's Strength & Health and Peary Rader's IronMan mostly from the 1940s to 1970s; at this Link
The Judge
Total Posts: 16490
02-14-20 10:04 PM - Post#894198    

Thanks! These are cool!
Judge John

"You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves." - Abraham Lincoln

"I live, I lift, I ache, I am." - Dave Draper

"Moderation assures mediocrity -- nice, safe. Mediocrity is for the mediocre -- simple, okay. The intense rule; the mediocre follow." - Dave Draper

Every day innocent plants are killed by vegetarians. Help stop the slaughter. EAT MEAT!

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