Lose Fat, Build Muscle Diet...Opinions? -
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Display Name Post: Lose Fat, Build Muscle Diet...Opinions?        (Topic#6120)
Greg B
Total Posts: 1272
11-16-05 07:02 PM - Post#161119    

I recently ran across this diet at bodybuilding.com. It sounds like a good idea if it would work. Just wanted to ask you guys what you think.

Diet at bodybuilding.com

Greg B
Total Posts: 1272
Re: Lose Fat, Build Muscle Diet...Opinions?
11-16-05 10:56 PM - Post#161120    

C'mon guys!...Where's everybody at? I really need some advice on this one! It'd be especially great to hear what some of the veterans like Cajin, Willie, and Dan think.

Total Posts: 4276
Re: Lose Fat, Build Muscle Diet...Opinions?
11-17-05 03:00 AM - Post#161121    

I've seen this advertised on Nick Nilssons web site, i think one problem you might get with it is that going from a low calorie eating plan straight into a food loading sesion can lead to distress in your gut. i guess that the only wy to find ot if is good for YOU is to try it, if YOU have a strong gut that can take the abuse then it might be ok, the theory sounds "intresting" it's a bit like the traditional bulk/cut cycle but obviously on a shorter time scale.

The fact that he names Pete Sisco as one of the worlds most respected muscle men makes me doubt the quality of the publication. But that's just my opinion;@)

bulch :@)
Best thread ever! :)

Andy Mitchell
Total Posts: 5269
Re: Lose Fat, Build Muscle Diet...Opinions?
11-17-05 03:15 AM - Post#161122    

Just eat sensibly and cut sugar out of your diet completely.
Energy in energy out.
Nice legs-shame about the face

Matt S
Total Posts: 1371
Re: Lose Fat, Build Muscle Diet...Opinions?
11-17-05 09:34 AM - Post#161123    

Any diet on any given bodybuilding website is going to give you the same stuff...follow Draper's Menu and you'll be fine...

Five to Six Meals per day...

Proteins...Chicken, Tuna, Lean Beef, Salmon, Pork, Whey Protein, ect...

Carbs...Brown Rice, Sweet Potatoes, Red Potatoes, Veggies, Pasta, ect...

Fats...Nuts, Oils, Omega 3's...ect...

Supplements if the almighty dollar can afford it...Creatine, L-Glutamine, Vitamins and Minerals....

Find out what works for you and stick to it...

Oh yeah...bust your ass in the weightroom, too...

Much luck....
I haven't landed since I fell...

Total Posts: 2493
Re: Lose Fat, Build Muscle Diet...Opinions?
11-17-05 09:47 AM - Post#161124    

From a very quick scan of the article this looks like many diets out there, a typical cycling of calories (and thus macros). It's supposed to keep your body from getting used to one thing. Since everyone is different, try and see if you get results, if so great, if not try something else. What works for one may or may not work for another. Let us know what you do and how it works.
Total Posts: 4182
Re: Lose Fat, Build Muscle Diet...Opinions?
11-17-05 09:56 AM - Post#161125    

I'm a veteran of maybe a thousand diets and find myself skeptical of any thirty day wonder diet. I've found success only when eating sensibly, working hard and remaining disciplined.Not very 'sexy'or worthy of publication. That being said, I am not an expert at these things. If you want to try it, go for it. As for me, Andy hammered that nail pretty good.

As you get older it is harder to have heroes, but it is sort of necessary.
Ernest Hemingway

Total Posts: 6773
Re: Lose Fat, Build Muscle Diet...Opinions?
11-17-05 10:28 AM - Post#161126    

What I have learned, again (How many hits on the head with a 45 lbs plate does it take?) is look at your total calorie requirement, of course what Andy and the rest have said as well, but look at the total calorie count required for your goals and then factor in how sedentary your life style is over all. For me, I increased calorie consumption, worked out heavier (for me) and did zero cardio. I gained what I thought was muscle and I didn’t measure because I didn’t want to be a slave of the tape etc. and be obsessed with gaining too much fat. Holy crap, I gained alright, some muscle? Yes, and some fat because the waist went south, well more like all over the globe, anyway I feel it was the fact that I sit on my duff most of the time, at work 8 hours a day, and after working out, on the couch for the rest of the night. So I decided to work out harder, with a new program and more news to follow on that in a few weeks and yes it called for cardio (HIIT). So saying you have to eat 4000 calories a day to gain muscle or eat, eat and drink more milk is too simplified sometimes. Think about gradual increases or gradual decreases in caloric consumption. Ensure 90+ % of these calories are quality calories and you should be fine. Don’t be too restrictive, find what works for you and make small changes or your restrictiveness will be destructiveness.
aka SAVAGE/JDIDAN/Dan the Protein Man

You can't choose your parents however you can choose your lifestyle

Earn your supplements

The most important stack you can do are big plates.- Sweatn

Total Posts: 240
Re: Lose Fat, Build Muscle Diet...Opinions?
11-17-05 11:04 AM - Post#161127    

I guess I qualify as a veteran here at IOL. Plus 38 years of Training.
1.To stay the same weight ,but lose fat and gain muscle.
3-4 days a week, especially on off workout days or light training days, reduce your caloric intake . Then increase your caloric intake for the other 3 or 4 days each week ,especially on heavy days by 2 calories per pound of bodyweight . As you gain muscle you will have to adjust your caloric intake monthly .

In order to lose fat you must be in neg caloric intake . in order to gain muscle you must be in positive caloric intake . If you lose too fast you lose muscle . Muscle burns fat ,fat burns nothing. Also eat for what you are going to do NOT what you did . Example you wouldnt fill up your tank of gasoline to go 400 miles after you made the trip . You fill it before you make the trip other wise the tank will be empty before you leave town. The same is true with your body . You dont need 600 calories to sleep You need 1000 to do a 1 hour plus workout . So You adjust the food intake for the needs for the next three hours. If you plan for a BMR of 2400 calories and you eat 2400 calories even when you are inactive you will get fat .You have to adjust for the needs of your activities. It takes work to keep on top of this but once you have it down it is great.
You cant get something for nothing .
Lon Baldridge ISSA CFT

Total Posts: 6773
Re: Lose Fat, Build Muscle Diet...Opinions?
11-17-05 12:39 PM - Post#161128    

Well put Lon, that is what I was getting at, and I like the fueling up when needed idea and that is where I think I went wrong. I least I never ran out of gas :)
aka SAVAGE/JDIDAN/Dan the Protein Man

You can't choose your parents however you can choose your lifestyle

Earn your supplements

The most important stack you can do are big plates.- Sweatn

Total Posts: 1915
Re: Lose Fat, Build Muscle Diet...Opinions?
11-17-05 03:05 PM - Post#161129    


Manor said:
What I have learned, again (How many hits on the head with a 45 lbs plate does it take?)

I think the problem is that you're using too heavy a plate.
--Matt Olson

"Defenceless, adj. Unable to attack."
- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

Total Posts: 6773
Re: Lose Fat, Build Muscle Diet...Opinions?
11-17-05 03:26 PM - Post#161130    

Yeah, that could be it :) Out of the mouths of babes.. (well to me anyway)
aka SAVAGE/JDIDAN/Dan the Protein Man

You can't choose your parents however you can choose your lifestyle

Earn your supplements

The most important stack you can do are big plates.- Sweatn

Total Posts: 4276
Re: Lose Fat, Build Muscle Diet...Opinions?
11-19-05 04:12 AM - Post#161131    


Lon said:

Also eat for what you are going to do NOT what you did .

I have heard you say this before Lon, i find that after a heavy workout my appetite sometimes seems imense as if i just can't get enough food in me. do you think that could mean i didn't eat enough before the workout?

bulch :@)
Best thread ever! :)

Total Posts: 240
Re: Lose Fat, Build Muscle Diet...Opinions?
11-19-05 07:38 AM - Post#161132    

Hunger pangs reveil that you need fuel, or water. Yes We also hunger for water. It makes sence to have a protein source in the form of branch chain Amino acid, ie Whey , Bomber Blend etc. The mistake is hogging all the grub you can find. Postworkout feedings are the order of this day and time. The following should give you more info about post nutrition. It is long but it saves me the space of writing basically the same. I have lots more info if you need . Contact me off forum
Regards Lon

Lon Baldridge ISSA CFT

Total Posts: 2004
Re: Lose Fat, Build Muscle Diet...Opinions?
11-19-05 11:11 AM - Post#161133    


Manor said:
For me, I increased calorie consumption, worked out heavier (for me) and did zero cardio. I gained what I thought was muscle and I didn’t measure because I didn’t want to be a slave of the tape etc. and be obsessed with gaining too much fat. Holy crap, I gained alright, some muscle? Yes, and some fat because the waist went south


Than you for sharing your experience. Gradually adding clean calories is key, but I always wrestle with the idea of people going through a 'bulking' stage. Yeah, some muscle is added, but the fat really does come on too. Plus, I hate to go through yo-yo weight fluctuations. I think it's unhealthy. So little by little, be patient, eat right and be careful not to overindulge.


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