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Display Name Post: The Forty Day Workout Example        (Topic#26605)
Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
03-13-11 02:21 PM - Post#681064    

I'm sure this won't look great on the screen, but this is the basics I am working on:

Let’s start with an advanced experienced trainer who has “never” done any Loaded Carries. (In three weeks, I will be a genius as the Farmer Walks alone will change everything.)
There are a few “rules” before we begin:
1. Never miss a rep!
2. Follow the “Rule of Ten” for the appropriate lifts for an advanced lifter; if Patterning needs to be done, do it as often and as much as necessary; and, use the rules of 15-25 for the appropriate half body lifts.
3. Advanced athlete’s warm-ups
10-25 Goblet Squats
75 Swings (Sets of 10-25; really grease that Hinge Movement)
1-5 Get Ups (Half Get Ups are fine as is the Kalos Sthenos variation)

“Easy Strength” for an Experienced Lifter
Week 1
Mon (1)__Tues (2)_____Wed (3)______Fri (4)_______Sat (5)
2x5 2x5 5-3-2 2x5 2x5

Week 2
Mon (6)__ Tues (7)____Wed (8)_____ Fri (9)_____ Sat (10)
2x5 6 singles 1x10 2x5 5-3-2

Lifts for the above:

Press Movement: Change the lifts every two weeks, “Same, but Different.” So flat bench press, incline bench press, and military press can be exchanged for each other after every two-week block

Pull Movement: Either do Bat Wings in combo with the press, two to three isometric holds for about ten seconds every workout, or simply skip this and get the work in from the other movements.

Hinge Movement: There are two options here depending on need: either pick a deadlift variation (and rotate it every two weeks, for example, thick bar deadlifts, snatch grip deadlifts, clean grip deadlifts, orthodox deadlifts, Jefferson Lifts or Hack squats) or do kettlebell swings in the 75-100 range. (These options will all cover the need for pulling, too.

Squat Movement: Again, ideally one would alternate movements after every two weeks, front squats, back squats, overhead squats, zercher squats or safety squats are all fine.

Loaded Carry: Vary the distance EVERY time, and probably the load…if you can.

Important Note: This is not the “Order” of the workout. More on that later…

The workouts

Two sets of Five: it should be easy and be like your second or third warm up lift in a typical workout. The idea, the “secret,” is to get THIS workout to feel easier and easier!

Five-Three-Two: Five reps with your 2 x 5 weight, add weight for three, then a solid double. Make the Double!!!

Six Singles: I don’t care how you do this, but add weight each set. No misses!

One set of ten: the day after six singles, very light load for ten easy “tonic” reps.

Example Workout for an Experienced Lifter:
Monday, Day One.
Incline Bench Press: 165 for five reps, 165 for 5 reps (300 Max Single)
Thick Bar Deadlifts: 185 for five reps, 185 for 5 reps (265 Max Single)
(This is the Pull and the Hinge Movements…an advanced lifter)
Front Squats: 185 for five reps, 185 for 5 reps (405 Max Single)
Farmer Walks: 105 with each hand, 100 meters out and back (three stops)
Ab Wheel: five reps.

Day Two can be heavier or lighter depending on mood and feel. The important thing is to show up and get the movements in. If one day is too hard and compromises the next day, that is fine as long as you lighten the load and continue getting the reps in without compromising speed.

Day Three “should” begin with the five rep number from the usual 2 x 5 workout, then add some weight for three, and finally add some weight for two. Be sure to get the double. Most people on the easy strength program find that this workout is the test for how things are progressing. The weights begin to fly up on the double and that is good, but stop there. Remember, this is a long-term approach to getting strong and don’t keep testing yourself. Save the big effort for, well, never.

Day Four and Day Five are the most confusing days. Again the load on the bar “depends” on how you feel. If the efforts feel easy and light, “nudge” the load up. Here is the secret (again): the goal of this program is gently raise your efforts (load) on the easy days so that the bar feels light. If you start out lifting a weight, say 205 at one effort level and in a few weeks you are lifting 245 at the same perceived effort and speed, you ARE stronger.

After a day of rest, Day Six is going to feel easy and it should be like that. Get the reps in.

Day Seven has a simple rule: you will do six singles adding weight EACH rep. So, it can be five pounds or fifty depending on how each single feels. It is NOT a max effort on the last set, it is the sixth single. If the loads feel heavy, just add five pounds. If the bar is flying, add more.

For people who come from the tradition of “smashing the face on the wall,” Day Seven is confusing. Your goal is to determine the load on how the weight feels. If it pops right up and feels light, toss on the plates. If it doesn’t, respect today and realize that you are going to have plenty of opportunities to get stronger in the future.

Day Eight is a “tonic” day, the way we used to use the term. Go really light and just enjoy ten repetitions. It can be as light as 40% of max (or lighter if you feel like, too) and just use the movement to unwind after yesterday’s heavy attempts.

Day Nine is often the day when people see the reasoning behind the program. This is the day where the weights seem to often be just “far too easy.” That is the sign of progress in this program. I remember actually thinking I misloaded the bar and I had to double check my math as the bar seemed to be far too light to be right.

Day Ten is often the day where people “test” themselves a little and this can be fine as long as you feel like going after it. Again, don’t miss.

Week Three, Option One

Now, the original program designed by Pavel demanded that you repeat Weeks One and Two for three additional times. Oh, and it works well. By Week Five, I was a machine on the lifts and broke lifetime Personal Records, smashing my Incline Bench Press record by fifteen pounds (and doing it for two reps, not just a single) and crushing my old Thick Bar Deadlift record (from 265 to 315). This is staggering improvement. So Option One is to simply keep on keeping on.

Week Three, Option Two
I like this one more for most athletes. You make small changes to the movements, from Bench Press to Incline Bench Press, Thick Bar Deadlift to Snatch Grip Deadlift and Front Squat to Back Squat. This is Pavel’s “Same, but different” approach. That small change seems to keep enthusiasm high for the entire Eight weeks.

Week Three, Option Three
I have a few athletes doing this now and I believe (maybe “hope” is a better word) that this is the better option for speed and power athletes. It is both a “deload” week and week filled with more metabolic challenges.

Day One
Push Press or Push Jerk (“Rule of Ten”) Five sets of Two, adding weight each set, is a great workout.
Litvinovs: After doing a Hinge or a Squat movement, either sprint, sled or prowler immediately after finishing the first movement. In a gym setting, this can be difficult, but I have done this outside with great success with just a kettlebell and a hill. The complete article will be in the appendix.

Day Two

Left Hand Only!
• Waiter Walk
• Suitcase Walk
• Single Arm Front Squat (Kettlebells are best)
• Suitcase Deadlift
• One arm row on the TRX (or suitable device)
• One arm Bench Press.
Reps, sets, load, time and every other factor “depends.” The idea is to push the stability and symmetry muscles and movements. There is an odd metabolic hit to these moves as one sweats a lot more than expected doing this. So, for example, this can be done with a single Kettlebell in a park (which is wonderful, by the way) and the athlete can challenge various aspects of training and get a good workout while also practicing mastery of body position and dynamics.

Doing just one side also frees up the mind a little bit. It is pretty obvious what you will be doing in a few days so you can experiment a bit and play the edges of tension and relaxation as you train.

Day Three
Push Press or Push Jerk (“Rule of Ten”) Five sets of Two, adding weight each set, is a great workout.
Litvinovs: After doing a Hinge or a Squat movement, either sprint, sled or prowler immediately after finishing the first movement. In a gym setting, this can be difficult, but I have done this outside with great success with just a kettlebell and a hill. The complete article will be in the appendix.

Day Four
Right Arm Only!
• Waiter Walk
• Suitcase Walk
• Single Arm Front Squat (Kettlebells are best)
• Suitcase Deadlift
• One arm row on the TRX (or suitable device)
• One arm Bench Press.

At the beginning of Week Four, the athlete will mix up the variations in the basic movements (Push, Pull, Hinge, Squat, Loaded Carry) and progress along using the same rep and set template in Weeks One and Two.

After finishing the program (Weeks One and Two repeated four times total; Option Three would be a twelve week program), fully assess mobility, basic strength levels and the program vis-à-vis your goals. I would suggest maybe an FMS screen and blood tests, too, but costs can be an issue.

Now, the workout itself does NOT necessarily go in this order:
1. Push
2. Pull
3. Hinge
4. Squat
5. Walk/Run/Sprint under load

In fact, I think the real insight of the past ten years for me is understanding the role of perceived strengths and weaknesses by the athlete in their training system.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
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Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
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Vinny Tanner
Total Posts: 1281
03-13-11 03:22 PM - Post#681085    

I love this stuff. It's so cool. This is great for me to read, if you remember I messed up the last time I tried out "easy strength" by going up way to fast and grinding reps. I'm working on setting long term goals and planning my entire year out and "easy strength" is in there for a big chunk of it. Thanks.
Our tuition was received in the cold school of experience.

mike sampson
Total Posts: 146
Re: The Forty Day Workout Example
03-13-11 03:59 PM - Post#681089    

Thank you for the free goldmine. We have very different spiritual philosophy's, but I would like to have you represented on my facebook page (society can only benefit from training intelligence like this.) No offense if you don't want to be there. M.
If it makes the neighbour's dog bark, I don't do it.

Lonnie Wade
Total Posts: 1414
03-13-11 04:24 PM - Post#681091    

OK, I'm in.
I start t&f on the 21st and I need something like this for myself.
I'll let you know as I go.
"No excuses, no explanations" Tony Dungy

"You can't always control what happens to you, but you can always control how you respond."

Left Handed Freak

Total Posts: 24932
The Forty Day Workout Example
03-13-11 05:01 PM - Post#681096    

Thanks, Dan. Great looking routine. The deload week is brilliant!

On the Litinovs, are we still talking five sets (i.e., five sprint & lift combos); same rule of ten for the squat or hinge movement?
Be strong. Be in shape. Be a man among men, regardless of your age or circumstances.

Edited by AAnnunz on 03-14-11 08:41 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 5140
03-14-11 08:12 AM - Post#681179    

Just too much great, free stuff here. Not that I'm complaining of course. . .

I am certainly far from an "advanced" trainee, but would love to try this out at some point -- maybe next January.

Total Posts: 146
03-14-11 01:26 PM - Post#681247    

Another great piece. Between this one and the Metabolic Swing & Goblet Squat articles, I feel you are on a roll!

Dan, I see you mention "advanced athletes" all over this one. What caveats would you add for a begginer wanting to try the 40 day program, or is it a scheme for advanced athletes mainly?

David Witt
Total Posts: 445
03-14-11 01:47 PM - Post#681253    

I got lost in the reading after day 6. Too complicated for this Cantuckee boy. I'm just gonna go throw more.
Lonnie Wade
Total Posts: 1414
03-14-11 02:16 PM - Post#681256    

Day 1
I haven't used the barbell in some time and I haven't even bench pressed since July of last summer. I've use kettlebells only.
It was interesting to experience the 'newness' of the barbell again.
The warm up is a warm up. I had a good sweat going after this.
"No excuses, no explanations" Tony Dungy

"You can't always control what happens to you, but you can always control how you respond."

Left Handed Freak

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The Forty Day Workout Example
03-14-11 06:58 PM - Post#681299    

I'm with ya, David. I'm lost. Maybe someone could make a pdf attachment with the days in a grid.

Don't mean to be an ingrate!

Total Posts: 650
Re: The Forty Day Workout Example
03-14-11 07:46 PM - Post#681309    

  • Laree Said:
I'm with ya, David. I'm lost. Maybe someone could make a pdf attachment with the days in a grid.
An earlier version...not the exact same as the latest one posted above but still following the Rule of Ten.


Vinny Tanner
Total Posts: 1281
03-14-11 11:03 PM - Post#681337    

This resonates.
Our tuition was received in the cold school of experience.

Total Posts: 9
03-15-11 09:07 AM - Post#681372    

I made a quick spreadsheet of this. Not very well formatted but I wanted to start something along these lines quickly. Hope it's helpful and partially accurate.

BTW, I'm stosh. Thanks for having me here.


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(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
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03-15-11 12:28 PM - Post#681427    

  • stosh Said:
I made a quick spreadsheet of this. Not very well formatted but I wanted to start something along these lines quickly. Hope it's helpful and partially accurate.

BTW, I'm stosh. Thanks for having me here.

Folks like you are real welcome here. :~)

Thanks very much for doing this for us!

Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
03-15-11 12:29 PM - Post#681428    

For "everyone" else, I have that for you on Sunday.

I just don't have it this complete. This example is for an elite athlete who never did Loaded Carries. You should see the emphasis there...if you look closely.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

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Total Posts: 666
03-15-11 02:33 PM - Post#681452    

Looks awesome!

I have been doing the 40 day strength, but I have only been doing it with the 2 x 5 reps.

Im on my 5th week and tomorrow will be day 3 this week, I'm thinking about starting from the day 3 example here, meaning I will do 5-3-2 and after that I will continue with day 4, 5, 6... etc

That will give me 2 10 day cycles doing 2 x 5 and 2 10 day cycles doing what is written here.

I have been doing it with the 5 exercices from the T-nation article but I didn't have enough weight to do deadlifts, so I did zerchers instead. I also added neck bridges and ordinary bridges at the end of each workout(neck bridge on monday, wednesday and friday and ordinary bridges on tuesday and thursday.

So far I can say that it works for me, when I started I thought military press with 82.5lbs felt moderate, now I think that 93.5lbs feel moderate.

And the zercher I started at 110lbs and now 130lbs feels just about as easy as 110lbs.

I can't weight until I finish the last 4 weeks!

My funky training log! (inactive)

My new improved log!

Total Posts: 49
03-16-11 12:09 PM - Post#681606    

I just finished MMS, and I think this might be the perfect program for me in the coming weeks as I try to lean out via Atkins while maintaining the muscle I have gained. I meet Dan's definition of "advanced," and I've never done loaded carries. My weakness is my grip strength. Seems almost too perfect, honestly.

I'm sold. Consider me a guinea pig. I'll start on Monday.
Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
03-16-11 12:21 PM - Post#681608    

I will feed you pellets and keep wood shavings near by at all times.

It is a marvelously simple program...
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
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Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Total Posts: 666
03-16-11 04:26 PM - Post#681638    

Added the loaded carry today, never tried that before. I only used 2 67lbs dumbells and I only walked 60 meters before my grip was getting to weak. All I can say is that it was hard, awesome and that I will continue do to them.

My funky training log! (inactive)

My new improved log!

Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
03-16-11 11:16 PM - Post#681697    

There is a man smiling.//
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Joe Boucher
Total Posts: 645
03-16-11 11:44 PM - Post#681701    

I have been doing farmers/waiters walks for a few weeks. Tonight I tried the suitcase walk with the same db weight I use for the farmers walk and almost tipped over. There is something right about these
Total Posts: 24932
03-17-11 08:34 AM - Post#681736    

  • Joe Boucher Said:
I have been doing farmers/waiters walks for a few weeks. Tonight I tried the suitcase walk with the same db weight I use for the farmers walk and almost tipped over. There is something right about these

Is a suitcase walk a one-handed farmer's walk?
Be strong. Be in shape. Be a man among men, regardless of your age or circumstances.

Joe Boucher
Total Posts: 645
03-17-11 08:48 AM - Post#681739    

Lonnie Wade
Total Posts: 1414
03-17-11 10:39 AM - Post#681765    

  • AAnnunz Said:
  • Joe Boucher Said:
I have been doing farmers/waiters walks for a few weeks. Tonight I tried the suitcase walk with the same db weight I use for the farmers walk and almost tipped over. There is something right about these

Is a suitcase walk a one-handed farmer's walk?

Think of that overweight suitcase
"No excuses, no explanations" Tony Dungy

"You can't always control what happens to you, but you can always control how you respond."

Left Handed Freak

Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
03-17-11 11:06 AM - Post#681769    

If you go over 100 pounds in the Suitcase Walk, you may discover some interesting things about the human body.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Joe Boucher
Total Posts: 645
03-17-11 11:17 AM - Post#681774    

I'm guessing interesting may be an understatement. I'll let you know what I find if I get there
Total Posts: 24932
The Forty Day Workout Example
03-19-11 12:26 PM - Post#682227    

  • Dan John Said:
If you go over 100 pounds in the Suitcase Walk, you may discover some interesting things about the human body.

VERY interesting. Yesterday, we did max effort deadlifts (built up to 2 sets of 5 with 90% 1RM), then topped off this morning's workout with sprints alternated with swings & goblet squats. Our backs were trashed, and when I suggested the suitcase walks as a finisher, the other guys shot me the bird. So, I toughed them out alone. First time I'd ever done heavy suitcases, and they were brutal, but (this is going to sound like B.S., but I swear it's true) after I was breathing normally again, I noticed my lower back had loosened up considerably, and I could bend without pain.

It's been over two hours now, and although my obliques are letting me know they're there, my back still feels great. Who'da thunk?
Be strong. Be in shape. Be a man among men, regardless of your age or circumstances.

Edited by AAnnunz on 03-19-11 01:26 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
03-19-11 01:51 PM - Post#682250    

Yes, I think so...

In the Dictionary, under the word "interesting" is me smiling in a picture nodding while someone screams in pain...
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Total Posts: 49
03-20-11 01:18 PM - Post#682361    

Dan, if one were to select kettlebell swings as the "hinge" movement, what load of load would be appropriate?

Looking forward to starting the program! I think the farmer walks might change everything for me.
Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
03-20-11 08:55 PM - Post#682403    

Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Kyle Estle
Total Posts: 6254
03-23-11 08:59 PM - Post#682932    


On Day 8, the tonic day, do you dial down the intensity on the carries as well?
Performance, Health, and Longevity

Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
03-23-11 09:40 PM - Post#682934    

You probably should...
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Kyle Estle
Total Posts: 6254
03-24-11 09:06 AM - Post#682972    

Thanks for the clarification. I will abide.
Performance, Health, and Longevity

Lonnie Wade
Total Posts: 1414
03-28-11 01:56 PM - Post#683590    

A thought....

What if you do the 2 weeks then do option 3 and then continued with 2 weeks changing the lifts and then an option 3 again after 2 weeks and continued this cycle more than the 40 days, say from now until the end of summer? All the while doing the warm up with swings/get ups/goblets.

I'm just thinking I might.
"No excuses, no explanations" Tony Dungy

"You can't always control what happens to you, but you can always control how you respond."

Left Handed Freak

Total Posts: 20705
03-28-11 02:00 PM - Post#683591    

I'm still waiting for the One Lift Every 40 Days routine.
Mark it Zero.

Total Posts: 853
03-28-11 02:10 PM - Post#683593    

  • DanMartin Said:
I'm still waiting for the One Lift Every 40 Days routine.

Wasn't that Mike Mentzer's routine?

Total Posts: 20705
03-28-11 02:15 PM - Post#683594    

  • RyanH Said:
  • DanMartin Said:
I'm still waiting for the One Lift Every 40 Days routine.

Wasn't that Mike Mentzer's routine?

It was, initially. He found that he was a bit overtrained, so he cutback.
Mark it Zero.

Total Posts: 666
The Forty Day Workout Example
04-03-11 03:00 PM - Post#684637    

I wonder what I should do, this week was week 7.

Everything has gone smooth but on tuesday I dropped the barbell on my knee when I did my warmup. So I havent been able to follow my workout plan.

But it feels better now and I wonder if I should continue next week and start week 7 over again?
Cause I really wanna do the whole program until I switch to MMS.
My funky training log! (inactive)

My new improved log!

Edited by Funky on 04-03-11 03:57 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Teddy Moore
Total Posts: 1105
04-03-11 03:39 PM - Post#684643    

"There are a lot of workouts that can get us where we want to go, but none will work without consistency." Uncle Al

" Strength is the foundation for all the other physical qualities. People have forgotten that fact... Strength is the mother quality. It should never be out of style." Pavel T.

" There are countless variations of everything on a theme. I warn about reading too much and knowing too little. Cuz, everything works and nothing works. You only need that to train." Gary John

Total Posts: 650
The Forty Day Workout Example
04-04-11 08:49 AM - Post#684726    

Continue. That is the hardest thing for me. I think I'm in the dictionary next to "Routine attention deficit disorder," and I've just made the decision to adjust the movements slightly and keep on keeping on for another two weeks. It took a lot of will power to not go Dan's explosive week for power athletes (which I'm not) or even modify it farther.

Well, sticking to the routine as printed is almost a first for me and seems to be working.
"I can't imagine how it WON'T you not doing it. -- Dan John"

Edited by CharlesP on 04-04-11 10:54 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 31
Re: The Forty Day Workout Example
04-05-11 01:26 AM - Post#684930    

Day 37
Pistol 24,32,40,44 PR!,24,24
Clean & Press 24,32,36,38,40,32
Pull-Up 24,32,36,38,40,24
Swing (24,24) 10x2

A pistol PR!

I did the 40 day program in Nov with great results (posted on the RKC forum). I started it again with the same lifts 8 weeks ago. During the last 4 weeks I have been following the rep scheme above for the pistol, press and pull-up. For Swings and Snatches I have been following the ETK format with doubles swings and snatches on variety days.

I got 2 reps per leg with 40kg in the pistol last week (A PR!) so I knew I was good for 44kg today.

The 40kg pull-up felt easy today but I was struggling with the press on my left side. I was stronger in the press last week.

My pistol responded really well to this program but I have a feeling I am going to need more volume to improve my pull-up and press.

So after the next 3 sessions I think I’ll follow ETK for 12 weeks, which will bring me to RKCII.

Thanks again Dan for posting all this great information. Looking forward to meeting you in July.



Total Posts: 147
04-14-11 06:55 AM - Post#686340    

In a time with better access to a barbell and possibilities to do carries this would be something Id definately do.

Would you say it's a taxing way to train? I guess that throwers throw a lot even though they follow a similar program?
Some light sprinting, or martial arts at the same time wouldnt alter progress too much? (ofc relative, but anyway)

During the entire summer, Ill work long hours and be in my hometown with access to a barbell in my basement. Feels like a great way to train at times like this.

Total Posts: 666
04-14-11 07:02 AM - Post#686342    

I have soon finished the 40 day workout, tomorrow will be my last day.

All I can say is that I have increased in all the lifts I have been doing, the increase in my chins have been insane so far :O

When I started I thought 5 chins with 11 pounds extra weight was moderate to hard in dificulty. Last tuesday I did a single with 66 pounds attached :O

I will post here again tomorrow when I finnished the program!
My funky training log! (inactive)

My new improved log!

Total Posts: 666
The Forty Day Workout Example
04-15-11 08:17 AM - Post#686561    

Okay today I finished the 40 day workout!
The jews where in the desert for 40 years, many fasts are 40 days and a pregnency is about 40 weeks. Something is just right about the 40 day workout.

I know these numbers aint much for most people here, but I am very happy!

All my lifts have increased, here is a list.

Zercher lift:
I don't know my zercher lift max before the 40 day workout, but my 5 rep max was a shaky 143lbs
Now I did a strong five rep set on 170 lbs.

Military Press:
My max before 40 day workout was a shaky 99lbs rep, my max now is probably around 115lbs...I don't know...But in my last workout today I did a solid 3 rep set with 110lbs. Thats 11lbs more then my max and for 3 reps :D

Chins: lol, I thought a set with 11 lbs was kinda heavy when I started, I now do 5 rep easy with 22lbs and my one rep max is 66lbs, I tried a 1rm the first week and that time I did a 26.5lbs rep. I think my max was around 26-30lbs when I started.
So a 36 lbs increase here :D

Ab roll:
I can't do one from standing yet, But I can almost do a full negative. I was nowhere close that when I started. Doing 5 on my knees is no problem, even when I load up the bar.

Something I added to the program, My neck is alot stronger and my back feels great when I do this stuff.

I don't know if my higher rep swinging has become worse, but doing 50 swings now is easy and just feels good.

Loaded carries:
I didn't do them the whole program, It wasn't in the original article I read...but they are just awesome. Haven't done them alot in training the last weeks because Ive been doing "farmer walks" with heavy wheels and tires in each hand all day long at work.

All in all I feel fresh and happy with the results. My body looks better, I feel less bloated and more dense...lost about 5 lbs.

My funky training log! (inactive)

My new improved log!

Edited by Funky on 04-15-11 12:36 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 147
04-29-11 11:40 AM - Post#688423    

Just finished workout 7 and my last PRs in bench, front and deadlift felt like paper...

Might be on to something here! As long as I keep myself out of my own way.. I was bored until todays workout.
Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
04-29-11 12:54 PM - Post#688442    

It's funny how it works...
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Total Posts: 4
The Forty Day Workout Example
05-13-11 02:30 PM - Post#690515    

I just took a break from my Starting Strength routine (exercises only, not diet), and went through Day 7 feeling really good. After doing SS on and off for about 2 years, I started back up in January and had been consistently doing my back squat, conventional deadlift, bench press, military press, and power clean and/or Pendlay row, all at working weight 3x5, with the following weights:
Back Squat 205# 3x5 and struggling -- more like 3x4
Bench 190# 3x5
Mil Press 125# 3x5
Deadlift 235# 1x5
P/C 125# 3x5 followed by Pendlay Row 155# 3x5

As I was stalling out on my squats, sucked at P/C, and feeling lower back pain from deadlifts, I wanted a changed. I read about the 40-day workout, and started with front squat, flat bench, snatch grip deadlift, barbell bicep curls, farmer's walk, and ab wheel, while watching some of Dan John's seminar footage online and Stronglifts 5x5 how-to clips. Learned the correct way to deadlift, which is not hurting my back anymore, and how to do a good front squat.

Anyway, back to my first 6 singles workout. I tend to get stronger as my sets go, so would typically do 5 warm-ups sets increasing weight before my working weight when starting with squats in SS. Yesterday, I did 3 sets of 8 rep barbell complexes to warm up (thanks, Dan), then began my singles. I did one warm up, then used my 2x5 working weight as the first single, and kept adding weight for singles until I failed to lift the bar. Here are the results:
Front Squat: (95x3 warmup) 130, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 200
Flat Bench: (95x5) 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225
Snatch Grip Deadlift (95x5) 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 240
Barbell Curls (95x2) 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 95x10 (bonus round for pump)
Farmers walk 60# dumbbells with set down at 100m turn and no drops. Just the day before, I couldn't get 55# dumbbells around without a couple drops.
Ab wheel x 10

These numbers are clearly not impressive to most people, but felt really good to me. I know I was only supposed to do 6 singles and stop, but I had to keep going, instead of wondering "what-if?" Maybe, this was one of those 1-in-100 workouts Dan John describes in "Never Let Go" or maybe I was just too cautious in upping my weight each rep. I think I was able to trick my body into doing more with "baby steps", instead of big jumps -- kind of like a frog in the pot of warming water.

Doing 200# front squat was a thrill for me, as had not done a front squat before last week, and was surprised to so close to my back squat.

The snatch grip deadlift was also new to me, as I had always done conventional grip.

The other thing I really like about the program, is that I can be done in under an hour on most nights (not 9 singles) with warmups, versus 1:15 to 1:30 for SS. For 40-day, I load the plates, lift, add weight, and repeat, with minimal rest. When doing 3x5 with a higher working weight, I end up resting 2 or 3 minutes between sets to recover for the next one. The trade-off is 5 days/wk versus 3.

Anyway, loving it so far.

Edited by Geordon on 05-13-11 04:50 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 808
05-13-11 03:49 PM - Post#690522    

  • Quoting:
I load the plates, lift, add weight, and repeat, with minimal rest.

I love workouts that lead to that. Singles or reps, it's a great feeling.
Load, walk around the gym one time, lift, repeat. Just enough to catch breath and not so little rest you can't hit good weights.
Less Hercules, more Achilles.

Total Posts: 147
05-13-11 05:58 PM - Post#690537    

On my second 2-week period my knee started to hurt for the second time in a while.
Turns ut its an inflammation ("runners knee") and there'll be no squats and deads for a while...

A reminder to keep balance in my training (physical therapist said it probably was because of quad to hams imbalance), and not to push training when it shouldn't be pushed.
When the first signs sneaked up I ate painkillers and continued to squat.

Sometimes Im so f*ing stupid
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