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Display Name Post: New Word - "Resolutionary"        (Topic#10882)
Ms. KO
Total Posts: 1856
01-18-07 01:28 PM - Post#256986    

As found on Merriam

Resolutionary (noun) : one who exercises (as at a gym) with goals made as a New Year's resolution but fails to continue past the month of January

Example: "The gym is always crowded with resolutionaries in January."

Total Posts: 4276
01-18-07 01:30 PM - Post#256987    

There's a few of those in my gym right now. I think they are anyway. February the first will tell.
Best thread ever! :)

Total Posts: 7355
01-18-07 01:48 PM - Post#256997    

I thought for a second it it meant a person who finds resolve, or solutions to things.

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth- MT

Total Posts: 1214
01-19-07 05:10 AM - Post#257251    


What if it is someone who started a new program, and then got off bcoz his a$$ got cut up by the docs!? hehe

Life's a rock 'n roll
Means you keep rocking and rolling, no matter what, no matter how much; while people feel that you have to smash into the rocks and roll into a ditch...

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