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Display Name Post: Brewer's Yeast        (Topic#38168)
Total Posts: 1021
03-14-23 08:01 PM - Post#925076    

March 14, 2023

I ran across Brewer's Yeast on Amazon. I have heard it mentioned now and they. Is it worth the time and money for those who have used it?
Bacon is the gateway meat. - Anthony Bourdain

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Total Posts: 1461
Brewerchr('039')s Yeast
03-17-23 02:42 PM - Post#925092    

Years back I made my own protein powder with ingredients from a bulk food shop, soy protein, egg powder (whites and whole), non-instant skim milk powder and brewers yeast. Whey was like 99c for 2 lbs.

"Go Henry - Live, lift, learn and grow - Never quit - Dave Draper"

Total Posts: 1
Re: Brewerchr('039')s Yeast
03-31-23 01:34 PM - Post#925122    

Brewer's yeast has been promoted as a nutritious supplement offering a helpful dose of protein, among other things. I used it for a bit many years ago.

I'd offer a couple of things to consider before trying it. First - it tastes terrible, and very few extra ingredients can cover up the taste. I made it semi-palatable by stirring it into a glass of water along with a tablespoon full of liquid chlorophyll.

Secondly, brewer's yeast is very high in B vitamins, including niacin. If you use it, it's wise to consume it alongside some solid food. Making a drink with brewer's yeast that's low on solid substance allows the niacin to run through your system very quickly. That's not harmful, but is likely to provide a niacin flush which is temporarily uncomfortable and generate questions from other people about why you're turning red. (Voice of experience here.)

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