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Display Name Post: Multiple Limb Movement Disorder        (Topic#37997)
Total Posts: 1021
05-11-22 01:11 AM - Post#919439    

Some years back I was going days without sleep. I have not, since my early twenties, been a heavy sleeper. I can also remember, way back, having twitching in my feet and legs. That went away for some years, but no sleep meant a sleep study. First, it seemed in the long run to be a waste of time. I will share why in a moment.

One item that came to light was, I did not have restless leg syndrome as I imagined, but multiple limb movement disorder.

Generally the MLMD comes and goes, but lately? It is back with a vengeance. Usually my Lyrica keeps it somewhat mello, but lately? No way.

Oh, and the diagnosed outcome of the sleep study? The nurse sat me down, looked me in the eye and let me know I am someone who can go days without sleep. Sleep a night, and start over. She informed me that I and those like me are known as Brights. I told her that my wife would disagree that Bright is part of my make up. The nurse missed the joke.

Cure, just write novels during the non-sleep stretches.

Good stuff! And a waste of time.

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05-11-22 08:46 AM - Post#919445    

I’ve never heard of people who could go without sleep! I thought that was some kind of delusion that would come back to haunt people who think they don’t need sleep.

Ken Leistner was like that. If Dan Martin sees this, he’ll have details. I just remember that he didn’t sleep much.

Total Posts: 1021
05-17-22 11:37 PM - Post#919537    

I obviously put this in the wrong section. How do I move it to the general discussion? I apologize.
Bacon is the gateway meat. - Anthony Bourdain

The world needs fewer business majors and more history majors. - Carl Sagan

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