Dave's final resting place -
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Display Name Post: Dave's final resting place        (Topic#37900)
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Login Name: ldraper
Date Agreed to Rules: 12-09-10
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(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
Gender: female
01-25-22 05:29 PM - Post#916385    

This is Dave’s final resting place, where his ashes join his favorite dog Rufus and his cats, Mugsy and Buster. Man, did he love those animals! And he loved that redwood cathedral.

There was a nice discussion for those of you on facebook -- look here:

https://www.facebook.com/lareedraper/posts/101 57892573210666


Total Posts: 755
01-25-22 05:32 PM - Post#916387    

Seems fitting , may he rest in peace.
Total Posts: 12873
Davechr('039')s final resting place
01-25-22 10:13 PM - Post#916392    

Thank you Laree for letting us join you in the journey…

Love, Love, Love….. <3
~ Stingo ~

“A wise man once said nothing”
— a wise man

Edited by Stingo on 01-25-22 10:14 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 1021
01-25-22 10:39 PM - Post#916395    

Bacon is the gateway meat. - Anthony Bourdain

The world needs fewer business majors and more history majors. - Carl Sagan

Total Posts: 1339
01-26-22 03:43 AM - Post#916400    

Rest in peace bomber, you inspired millions and will continue to do so!!

A major highlight of my life meeting you!

Total Posts: 7355
01-26-22 03:59 AM - Post#916401    


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth- MT

Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
01-26-22 11:52 AM - Post#916417    

Thanks for sharing Laree.

On my drive in this morning I saw a rainbow. Fairly rare sight for a 10 degree day in the Midwest with clear skies. Feels appropriate to mention after seeing the picture Laree posted first thing after I logged in.
Total Posts: 4621
01-28-22 02:28 PM - Post#916538    

A great redwood resting among the redwoods. So beautiful.
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Prov 4:23

"I'm not a doctor just someone that gets injured a lot." irondawg

"Confidence - the absence of doubt - is a distillation of hope, faith and knowing." Dave Draper, BISS, page 65

"Few things are more fulfilling than personal progress." Dave Draper, newsletter of 4/2/09

100 Day Burpee Challenge 08 Survivor

squatting makes me sleepy

Total Posts: 687
01-31-22 06:10 PM - Post#916651    

Thank you Laree for sharing. Looks like a magnificent spot for DD.

Larry Martin1
Total Posts: 18
02-03-22 09:58 AM - Post#916742    

What a beautiful, peaceful place!
Total Posts: 1461
02-03-22 02:28 PM - Post#916771    

Super Natural !

"Go Henry - Live, lift, learn and grow - Never quit - Dave Draper"

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