Dip station...Pullup attachment -
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Display Name Post: Dip station...Pullup attachment        (Topic#37897)
Total Posts: 4
01-24-22 09:33 AM - Post#916342    


Long time lurker. I'm hoping some of the fine members of this site may have an idea about the dip station I currently have. It was purchased in the early 90s at a bodybuilding supply company in New Jersey. There's no brand labeled on it at all or model. I believe there was a pullup attachment for it that I regret not having purchased with it. The bar height is adjustable and they come out.

Has anyone seen this or have an idea of a pull up attachment that may work with this?

*not sure why the photos are sideways. They aren't that way in the actual file*

Thank you!


Total Posts: 890
Re: Dip station...Pullup attachment
01-25-22 10:15 AM - Post#916377    

I have a friend of mine that does a sort of pull-up on my dipping bars, not unlike yours.

He was struggling to do full pull-ups, so wanted an easier movement, as I don't have a lat pulldown machine.

Anyway, he places a bench or stool on the floor, places his feet on the bench and lies face-up underneath the dipping bars. He pulls himself up on the handles of the dipping bars, in a sort of half chin/half row movement. It means he can get maybe 10-12 reps out.

Power is nothing without control!

Total Posts: 4
Re: Dip station...Pullup attachment
01-25-22 01:49 PM - Post#916381    

Thanks Lucktree.

I've done those. Not preferred but it's something I do occasionally. It looks like there's no attachment for this device. I've looked all over.

Have to find a decent beam in the basement to bolt a real pullup bar to.

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