Speaking of the gym building days -
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Display Name Post: Speaking of the gym building days        (Topic#37887)
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Login Name: ldraper
Date Agreed to Rules: 12-09-10
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Primary Training Purpose: Fitness and strength beats aging badly
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(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
Gender: female
01-14-22 04:40 PM - Post#916123    

A friend from the gym, Curtis Busenhart, reminded me of a day in 1989 when we were building the gym. During the lunch break, we stacked all the pizza boxes around Dave, who, of course, didn't actually eat pizza. He was a good sport about it and let me take the picture. But he wouldn't have known we'd get the internet a decade later and I'd be able to share it with thousands of people in 2021.

Here's the Facebook conversation:

https://www.facebook.com/lareedraper/posts/101 57869494665666


Total Posts: 890
Re: Speaking of the gym building days
01-15-22 04:13 AM - Post#916128    

He he he :-)
Power is nothing without control!

Total Posts: 1461
01-19-22 08:36 AM - Post#916198    

We ordered a pizza last night, who doesn't luv pizza?

"Go Henry - Live, lift, learn and grow - Never quit - Dave Draper"

Total Posts: 1339
01-20-22 08:58 AM - Post#916249    

The way time flies, it probably feels like yesterday.
And then it probably feels like ages ago at the same time.

Great pic.
I got married in 1989 so I know how it feels for time to fly.

Thx for sharing Laree...

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