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Display Name Post: Roadwork, shoulder rolls, groundwork...        (Topic#37774)
Total Posts: 1479
09-03-21 08:15 AM - Post#913052    

There has been a little bit of discussion about how much some people hate running in one of the pivot threads. I thought I'd share my experiences.

I found getting into roadwork was very similar to teaching myself breakfalls or adding crawling and groundwork to my workout - they all involved serious indignity and outright humiliation for several months! However, if you stick with doing the basics, eventually it will start to come together.

To be clear, I'm not talking about doing anything at a particularly high level. I can run a 5k in half an hour at 200 pounds; pull off a breakfall from a slow jog on either side; and cope with five minutes of "fun time" as a warmup. The first two seemed pretty inaccessible on Day One while the last one was deeply unpleasant.

So, just do the work while nobody is watching, make haste slowly, work on the basics, be patient and wait for your body to adapt. It will come, sooner or later, assuming you don't hurt yourself by being too impatient.

N=1, obvs...
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Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
09-03-21 09:35 AM - Post#913054    

I often refer back to the James Bond workout in Casino Royale (I think). Cut back on smoking and booze, run a mile and swim. Then get a massage. The dude has been fight bad guys since WWII and STILL doing the know...

I like your post as sometimes, if we just ease off on our expectations, we can get a hell of a lot done.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Total Posts: 1479
09-03-21 09:44 AM - Post#913056    

Thanks! I think being embarrassed about your limitations works in this context. I didn't want to be the kind of person who can't run for a train; or who breaks something important by tripping over their own feet...
Check out my critical-thinking blog at

Old Miler
Total Posts: 1744
09-03-21 03:51 PM - Post#913076    

There was a t-shirt circulating among college runners saying something like ""My sport is your sport's punishment" - it's not for everyone!
Total Posts: 304
09-04-21 03:19 AM - Post#913093    

  • Dan John Said:
I often refer back to the James Bond workout in Casino Royale (I think). Cut back on smoking and booze, run a mile and swim. Then get a massage. The dude has been fight bad guys since WWII and STILL doing the know...

I was thinking about that same chapter the other day. It's from Live and Let Die. The other lesson to be found therein is that Bond didn't train alone but had a trainer - 'On the next day he started his training under the critical, appraising eye of Quarrel.'
Training Blog.

Mike L
Total Posts: 43
09-15-21 10:59 PM - Post#913356    

I enjoy certain types of running. It's a bit like squatting. Everybody should be able to it to some level.

The day I embraced a run walk program was the day I both enjoyed running and admitted to the truth of my capabilities.
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