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Display Name Post: HUBERMAN LAB        (Topic#37699)
Total Posts: 264
06-08-21 04:20 PM - Post#910965    

I've been thoroughly enjoying Andrew Huberman's podcast. He's spent the last month on all the best topics- weight loss/heat & cold applications for weight loss, growth hormone, recovery/ breathing techniques/ strength and conditioning protocols...and much more.
He's working with some chap named Andy Galpin and the core cooling techniques (and staggering results) has blown my mind. Some of the data might be obvious but I highly recommend listening to all.
Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
06-08-21 04:22 PM - Post#910966    

Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Total Posts: 264
06-08-21 04:32 PM - Post#910967    

Great. If you'd ask me to get you a beer I could do that. The best I can do is recommend going on youtube and googling Huberman Lab Podcast. I'm not sure how to do links. I just do reps.
Total Posts: 264
06-08-21 04:33 PM - Post#910968
This has all his stuff on one site.
Total Posts: 264
06-08-21 04:36 PM - Post#910969    

The technique of cooling of the palms/soles of feet and face has shown a staggering increase in sets/reps. I'm into my first week of experimenting with palm cooling and despite being a half assed hopeful intermediate, I'm experiencing very good results.
Mr. Kent
Total Posts: 583
06-09-21 09:36 AM - Post#910988    

  • Kiwi5 Said:
Great. If you'd ask me to get you a beer I could do that. The best I can do is recommend going on youtube and googling Huberman Lab Podcast. I'm not sure how to do links. I just do reps.

I know that you did include a subsequent link, but after reading this response I thought to myself "I don't know how to add a link either" and set about seeing if I could figure it out:

In the new reply box at the bottom of the thread, click on 'switch to full reply'. That will bring up another box you can type in, but now there should be a number of grey boxes to the upper left of the box you type the reply in. If you hover over those boxes you should get a description of what they are. There is one that looks like a globe, and it titled 'URL link'. Click that and you'll get another box asking you to type the link you want to use, and then a second box asking for a description. I've included a link to the Huberman Lab page below:

Huberman Lab

And their 'about' page:

About Huberman Lab
my training log: What Mr. Kent is Doing Now

Brian Hassler
Total Posts: 616
10-16-21 02:34 PM - Post#914018    

I started listening to this podcast on the recommendation of a friend, and so far I think it's the best neuroscience/neurobiology podcast I've come across. He does a great job of explaining enough of the science so the audience knows what's going on without getting too technical to listen to and understand.

There's so much in this podcast that relates to the "why" of things that have been discussed here forever: sleep, goals (and what's next), diet and exercise, etc. I keep having moments where he'll explain some mechanism and I'll immediately relate it to some bit of ancient or traditional wisdom and think "oh, that's why they do that."

At any rate, if anyone's been on the fence about this or is looking for something new to listen to, I'd highly recommend it. I've jumped around a little, but I think starting at the beginning and listening through in order is probably the best. ideos

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