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Display Name Post: Back Squats Bad?        (Topic#37577)
Total Posts: 35
02-15-21 10:39 AM - Post#907848    

Not sure if this totally fits here but here's Tom Brady's workout... not a single squat to be had:

The work done here assists in what he needs to compete at his position.
Total Posts: 320
02-16-21 09:14 AM - Post#907878    

Brady workout is interesting.
I do 'banded core rotations', very important.
The coach is contradictory
- we're going to isolate xxx and yyy
- functional training is important.

Maximal performance is one thing, but don't train like a celebrity (title of the video) if longevity in sport is your goal.

Back to transferability. I recall reading somewhere recently about a young athlete increasing squat to increase standing vertical jump, it worked, until it didn't anymore. There was a point where increasing squat did nothing to the jump.

Old Miler
Total Posts: 1744
Back Squats Bad?
02-16-21 03:09 PM - Post#907897    

Presumably there's a ton of actual games during the season, and focused, tactical skill practice before them, which is quite enough work. I'm guessing that workout is about having something he can do in any hotel room or gym, any time, with stuff he can carry with him. Keep all muscle groups moving and get a bit of blood through them. It's probably kind of his DMPM.

He probably does a lot more between seasons.

Edited by Old Miler on 02-16-21 03:09 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Jordan D
Total Posts: 771
02-16-21 04:48 PM - Post#907900    

Doesn't have deadlifts either.

Confirmed. Deadlifts bad.

Let's all do TB12 and reap glorious gainz.
Justin Jordan
Total Posts: 854
02-16-21 06:50 PM - Post#907905    

Yeah, and this is how Hemsworth gets Thor muscle.

Definitely the lunge and curl what does it.
Justin Jordan
Total Posts: 854
02-16-21 06:51 PM - Post#907906    

(Amusingly, I actually don't back squat)
Total Posts: 194
02-16-21 10:18 PM - Post#907908    

I would say, It depends. What are your goals and what are your physical limitations?
Kyle Aaron
Total Posts: 1911
Re: Back Squats Bad?
02-17-21 12:54 AM - Post#907911    

  • Traveler Said:
Perhaps it is a coincidence but I just seem to know and or read about too many long term lifters who maintained back squats as a go to movement - over years - and ended up with back and hip issues.

Competitive lifters, yes. Likewise, competitive cricket players get shoulder problems - should we never chuck a ball? Regular marathon runners wreck their knees - no running?

There's doing the movement, and then there's doing the movement competitively over decades. Different stuff.

Looks, health, performance. Three different things. Max out on one and sacrifice at least one of the others.

Most of us here are over 40. Our best performances are behind us, and we're going to be old and ugly soon if we're not already. Focus on health.

  • Sean S Said:
The common cue back then in powerlifting circles was "arch, arch, arch". For someone who falls into flexion that might get them back to neutral. For me it probably just put huge compressive forces on the facet joints.

Nowadays thanks to Westside it's "hips!" Which then gives them hip flexor problems, especially the long-legged ones.

Homogeneous application of a cue runs into problems with heterogeneous bodies.

Athletic Club East
Strength in numbers

Edited by Kyle Aaron on 02-17-21 01:03 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
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