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Display Name Post: Sumo deadlift... sort of.        (Topic#37456)
Total Posts: 2360
11-06-20 04:19 AM - Post#904308 81778832_3250306996339766 226_n.mp4?_nc_ht=scontent-vie1- nc_ohc=orIbrpYaWlwAX8-j47 N&oe=5FA7AC11&oh= f9901a03db8a213c5f524f8d7 99b2256&dl=1
"I think we often spend too much time focusing on max fitness
and not nearly enough on maintaining our minimums.
It seems we need to think sustainable rather than obtainable.
Meaning whatever we do today, we can do it again tomorrow.
Never taking so much from ourselves that we can't."

Dan Martin

Total Posts: 510
11-06-20 07:49 AM - Post#904310    

Excellent flexibility plus strength at that position - kudos.
Total Posts: 2360
Sumo deadlift... sort of.
11-06-20 10:01 AM - Post#904313    

Technically speaking, it’s a completely legal pull from the floor. Full ROM.
"I think we often spend too much time focusing on max fitness
and not nearly enough on maintaining our minimums.
It seems we need to think sustainable rather than obtainable.
Meaning whatever we do today, we can do it again tomorrow.
Never taking so much from ourselves that we can't."

Dan Martin

Edited by iPood on 11-06-20 10:01 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 510
11-06-20 01:58 PM - Post#904321    

I had to come back and look at it a second time. I wish I had that flexibility - I am now inspired to achieve it. Thanks again, Jim
Total Posts: 7755
Sumo deadlift... sort of.
11-06-20 03:34 PM - Post#904322    

Nice! My sides are splitting and so is he.
Reminiscent of a stripper pickin' up tips.
So yeah, I'm pretty inspired now too.
Think of the money out there waiting to be had!
Men over forty, get that prostate exam first.
Life's too short to worry about longevity.

Edited by Neander on 11-06-20 03:41 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Old Miler
Total Posts: 1744
Re: Sumo deadlift... sort of.
11-06-20 03:38 PM - Post#904324    

Beard to Grass!
Total Posts: 7755
Re: Sumo deadlift... sort of.
11-06-20 03:42 PM - Post#904325    

Life's too short to worry about longevity.

Brian Hassler
Total Posts: 616
11-06-20 08:00 PM - Post#904334    

Jean-Claude Van Deadlift
Total Posts: 24932
Re: Sumo deadlift... sort of.
11-07-20 08:58 AM - Post#904344    

  • Neander Said:
...Men over forty, get that prostate exam first.

I'd follow that up with a warning about low hanging fruit, but that would be crude.
Be strong. Be in shape. Be a man among men, regardless of your age or circumstances.

Edited by AAnnunz on 11-07-20 09:00 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 20705
11-07-20 09:42 AM - Post#904347    

Old Iron Taint.
Mark it Zero.

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