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Display Name Post: Results going DOWN on one exercise?        (Topic#37320)
Total Posts: 161
07-26-20 09:33 AM - Post#900701    

I have been doing Simple & Sinister for about 6-7 months, taking it very slowly, just twice a week, with very gradual introduction of higher weights (about one set moving up in weight every 2 to 3 or 4 weeks). This is in addition to some light running and solo sports training. I haven't been overtraining, and I have been taking breaks when necessary. I am 52 and feel like I am in as good shape and fitness as I've been for a long time.

So why do I find that my TGUs are getting weaker at the higher weight? I spent a while going from 5 singles of 35# to 5 singles of 45# according to the schedule I laid out above. When I substituted a 26kg (about 56#) for one of my 45# sets, it went up easily, even though I was at the tail end of the fast-mimicking diet. But over the last few weeks, that 26kg set has become more and more difficult. (I don't know whether it makes any difference, but the way I do TGUs includes a few presses along the way.)

Otherwise, I feel fine.

Any suggestions on what might be going on? I haven't encountered something like this before.

Total Posts: 379
07-26-20 05:37 PM - Post#900713    

Have you lost weight?
Total Posts: 161
07-26-20 10:08 PM - Post#900724    

I did. I lost about 5 or 6 pounds on the diet and have kept most of it off.
Total Posts: 379
07-27-20 04:41 AM - Post#900729    

Never trained the TGU but even minimal weight loss shows up in a regression on presses for me (OHP especially) sooner or later. Usually sooner.
Total Posts: 854
07-27-20 12:07 PM - Post#900746    

First off, great work staying in shape.

Couple of choices. Back off on the running and sports. training and do the S+S program 5-6 days a week.

Second choice, drop down to the 45 and increase volume. Set a clock for 15 minutes and do getups with the 45, you'll probably get 10-12. Own the bell.

You can also do Reverse Getups. Press the bell overhead, get down and then get back up. Switch hands, don't put the bell down try that for 10-15 minutes. You should probably use a 35 for this.

Finally, using the 45, try 2 or 3 reps on each side before switching.

Good luck

Total Posts: 334
07-27-20 12:40 PM - Post#900747    

  • BChase Said:
First off, great work staying in shape.

Couple of choices. Back off on the running and sports. training and do the S+S program 5-6 days a week.

Second choice, drop down to the 45 and increase volume. Set a clock for 15 minutes and do getups with the 45, you'll probably get 10-12. Own the bell.

You can also do Reverse Getups. Press the bell overhead, get down and then get back up. Switch hands, don't put the bell down try that for 10-15 minutes. You should probably use a 35 for this.

Finally, using the 45, try 2 or 3 reps on each side before switching.

Good luck

This is excellent advice.

If I may add one thing, try decreasing the presses during your getup. You didn't specify the number per getup, but I'd halve them to ensure completing the getup and decreasing time under tension. As you progress, add your presses back in at your own pace.
Just my 2¢

Jordan D
Total Posts: 771
07-27-20 01:30 PM - Post#900748    

  • Matt_T Said:
Never trained the TGU but even minimal weight loss shows up in a regression on presses for me (OHP especially) sooner or later. Usually sooner.

Amen to this.
Total Posts: 214
07-27-20 07:45 PM - Post#900765    

After training for 40 years I have learned that changing your routine when it stops working is a good move. It is also a great way to learn and stay motivated.
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