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Display Name Post: Preparation for MMS        (Topic#37003)
Total Posts: 34
12-07-19 01:10 PM - Post#891121    

Hi everyone, a friend of mine who is relatively new to lifting has agreed to join me on my next cycle of MMS, which I'm planning to start in about a month. Most of his prior experience is using machines and doing isolation work, so he's fairly new to barbell lifts if not new to training. To prepare him for this, I've advised him to follow the 6 week goblet squat guide which comes with MMS, and also to stretch his wrists, to prepare for the front squats and power cleans. Is there anything else which may be useful preparation for this programme, which I could advise him to do?

Cheers, Jonty
Total Posts: 2191
12-08-19 04:43 AM - Post#891135    

Get him to lean out a little before starting. There’s a rebound effect if mass gain is his aim. And yes, definitely get him to do the squat 101 program. As long as he’s in the normal or low weight category, there’s ample of time and volume to get used to back squatting before the weight starts climbing up.
Owen Brown, a Biomedical Scientist from Pontyclun, Wales.

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