"Play On: The New Science of Elite Performance at Any Age" -
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Display Name Post: "Play On: The New Science of Elite Performance at Any Age"        (Topic#36612)
Total Posts: 369
03-13-19 08:11 AM - Post#879571    

Just read "Play On" by Jeff Bercovici and thought it a great book for this crowd. Focuses on what older, elite athletes are doing to continue high levels of performance. Fairly easy to read and I picked up a few nuggets.
Total Posts: 1179
03-19-19 06:15 PM - Post#879866    

Care to share a nugget? I might check this one out..
Total Posts: 369
03-20-19 11:27 PM - Post#879941    

Of course you need to ask the question a week after I brought the book back to the library.

But touches on running, lifting, mobility and diet with stories about elite athletes that are on the mature side (Tom Brady, Meb among others) that still have the ability to succeed in their sports.

Total Posts: 1179
03-21-19 09:48 AM - Post#879959    

Reminds me a book by Joe Friell, Fast After 50. He goes over what research there is on age and endurance performance, which is actually very little, then shares relevant personal and professional coaching experience to try to draw some conclusions. Includes plenty of short bits by famous masters athletes like Ned Overend.

Unfortunately, at the elite level, the drugs issue always clouds things. If you can chemically maintain youthful hormone levels, the performance should be easy maintain as well.
Total Posts: 369
03-22-19 12:47 AM - Post#879981    

Probably touches on a few things that Joe Friel writes about. I've read both books. The Friel book is geared specifically more towards cyclists, then runners.

"Play On" is a bit more well rounded with snippets of what basketball, football and other major league sports do.

One thing it did was inspire me to fire up my slow cooker to make bone broth again.

Plus touches on the importance of sleep. This seems to be the secret weapon of many of these aging elite athletes.

Total Posts: 1179
03-22-19 11:50 AM - Post#879999    

I remember reading an article about Armstrong when he made his comeback to the peloton about this was going to be interesting to watch due to his age. What kind of performance is possible?

Of course we now know how muddy the syringes made the water, but it points to the same thing Friel writes about. We don’t know much about aging and athletic performance. The studies on aging use mostly sedentary populations, but now we have a much larger pool of people who have long training histories and much more data.

I’m no Pats fan, but TB is an ageless freak of nature, or doing something extremely right.
Total Posts: 369
03-22-19 12:14 PM - Post#880001    

Think the importance of recovery is the key. Some of the older athletes are still competing, but with longer rests in between events.

Plus the mental side of competing. Older athletes may be slower, but are better at interpreting data during a competition. So someone like TB has literally seen just about everything an opposing team can throw at him over the past 20+ years.
Total Posts: 1179
03-23-19 09:54 AM - Post#880062    

Yes, recovery is king. Ned Overend says he does the same workouts he did 20 yrs ago, just less frequently. He needs more easy days in between the hard days.

Experience counts for a lot. But contrast TB with Peyton Manning. Both with similar experience, but physically, TB is in another category. Still not a Pats fan, but kinda cool that he grew up not far from me. Yay Area!
Total Posts: 37
04-01-19 07:46 PM - Post#880457    

Sounds interesting. Just put the request in at the library. Thanks!

Total Posts: 369
04-01-19 11:09 PM - Post#880462    

  • RileyNadoroznick Said:
Sounds interesting. Just put the request in at the library. Thanks!

It was interesting enough to grab at the library, but not enough to buy a copy.
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