squat every day. well, for 5 days. -
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Display Name Post: squat every day. well, for 5 days.        (Topic#35922)
Total Posts: 84
02-08-18 07:55 PM - Post#861994    

Just finished Easy Strength. Very good progress. even better is the lessening of the popping and pain in my left shoulder! Now I'm going to try "Squat every day" for 5 days a week,paired with a snatch type lift( as my overhead receive is astonishingly weak) and pullups only because I'm getting flabbergasted by the number of training "systems" for Oly lifting. I know everybody is physiologically different, but good grief! my plan is to weed out the useless drivel and keep what works. ES is a keeper.
Total Posts: 798
02-08-18 09:21 PM - Post#861998    

I am looking forward to hearing how this goes for you, as I have been considering doing a "squat every day" routine for a week or so the next time I do a gaining routine, probably this fall or winter.
FoundationsOfIron.com, an archive of classic strength and physique training

Total Posts: 84
02-09-18 08:24 AM - Post#862007    

I'm just curious about the hype. its only going to be for 2, maybe 3 weeks. I'm a big fan of this finger tap test app, which will be done every morning to keep an "eye" on things. I tried a Bulgarian program, shortly out of high school, in "Muscle & Fitness". I believe it was called "Big Fun"...LIES! there was nothing fun about ! I made it 3 weeks, then my body said enough. this is much more scaled back.
Total Posts: 84
02-09-18 08:28 AM - Post#862010    

tried to find a link, but no luck. it was written by Istvan Javorek.
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