Dan's "State Meet" blog post -
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Display Name Post: Dan's "State Meet" blog post        (Topic#31503)
Total Posts: 507
05-10-13 09:14 AM - Post#770684    

I've done nothing but the lifts and squats for over a year. Progress has stalled and I'm starting to get nagging aches and little injuries. I'm planning to compete at the American Masters meet in November and was thinking of doing either Easy Strength or the basic program in Kono's first book until 10 weeks of meet prep starts in September. The problem is that I'm paranoid about losing the technique I've worked to develop and having meet training go terribly as a result. Couple of questions if you don't mind:

-I was thinking of doing Easy Strength 3 days a week and working up to a moderate total on a 4th day. Does this sound reasonable for "off season" training?
-In the blog post, Dan mentions pulls in training and pulls are programmed into the meet prep. Are these deadlifts? RDLs? High pulls?
-I like the look of the Dave Turner peaking program in the post. I'm guessing that you choose realistic numbers for SN, CJ, Press, Pull, and FS and use these as 100%? I've never used a percentage based program before.

Sorry this is so long. Thanks for reading.
"The trouble about always trying to preserve the health of the body is that it is so difficult to do without destroying the health of the mind."~GK Chesterton

Dan John
Total Posts: 12292
05-10-13 09:57 AM - Post#770690    

Why didn't you put this in the main forum? This is the articles subforum.

Easy Strength O lifting...we talked about it here already...is to go find the blog post "Even Easier Strength" and adopt it with three moves:
C and J
Front Squat
for maybe two to three weeks, then S, C and J, and Farmer Walks for two or three weeks and go back and forth.
Basically, keep the reps all under ten total per workout and a "Two" is really two singles, if you will.

Dave uses Kono High Pulls, but for me, it is just the classic lifts. I don't need more pulling power.
Daniel John
Just handing down what I was handed down...

Make a Difference.
Live. Love. Laugh.
Balance work, rest, play and pray (enjoy beauty and solitude)
Sleep soundly. Drink Water. Eat veggies and protein. Walk.
Wear your seat belt. Don’t smoke. Floss your teeth.
Put weights overhead. Pick weights off the floor. Carry weights.
Reread great books. Say thank you

Total Posts: 507
05-10-13 10:00 AM - Post#770691    

Oops, I thought articles "and such" would include blog posts. Maybe the moderator will be kind enough to move it. Thanks for the answers.
"The trouble about always trying to preserve the health of the body is that it is so difficult to do without destroying the health of the mind."~GK Chesterton

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