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Display Name Post: The One and Only Pink Training Log        (Topic#16866)
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Re: The One and Only Pink Training Log
06-08-08 02:07 PM - Post#450185    

Hi Pixie,

I think that long walks are really the best form of training. On a real rest day, I'll do a long walk, but if it is raining, I'll do plyometrics in the house. Stand in one place and jump as high as you can. Repeat 10 times. Next, stand in one place and jump forward. Repeat 10 times. Also do this to the sides. Done. Great for explosive movement.

Total Posts: 5576
Re: The One and Only Pink Training Log
06-08-08 05:49 PM - Post#450228    

Hi David,
I need some clarification about the jumping. When you jump forward, do you just continue forward from each new position? So it is like ten jumps in a row?
And sides: Do you jump left and then back right or do you jump all ten to one side and then ten to the other side?

This I think I could incorporate to my walks.
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Total Posts: 5576
winner's mindset
06-09-08 07:25 AM - Post#450370    

Note to myself

If you train the body, the mind will follow.
By pushing yourself in the gym, your mind is forced to come along for the ride. If your mind is weak, you will quit as soon as fatigue mounts. Fighters are trained to work through fatigue.
....If you want a strong, confident mind, you must develop this mindset in the gym.

Come to the fight overconfident, don't leave a room for doubt.

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 4565
Re: The One and Only Pink Training Log
06-09-08 12:15 PM - Post#450468    

  • pink.pixie Said:
Hi David,
I need some clarification about the jumping. When you jump forward, do you just continue forward from each new position? So it is like ten jumps in a row?
And sides: Do you jump left and then back right or do you jump all ten to one side and then ten to the other side?

This I think I could incorporate to my walks.

Hi Pixie,

When I do forward jumps each one is a separate explosive movement. Pick one spot as the jumping place, jump forward, come back to origional spot, do it again. This gives you a chance to recover, and prepare for each jump correctly, and thus avoid injury. As far as side by sides, I alternate, right then left, each one returning to the jumping spot. Enjoy!

Total Posts: 1214
06-10-08 02:59 AM - Post#450741    

If Pix would jump in one direction at a time without resetting, she would be VERY far away ...

After you have put your best (and a little more) in the battle ground, you need to eat and rest well till your next tryst with the tigers...

Life's a rock 'n roll
Means you keep rocking and rolling, no matter what, no matter how much; while people feel that you have to smash into the rocks and roll into a ditch...

Total Posts: 5576
The One and Only Pink Training Log
06-10-08 07:19 PM - Post#451114    

It's gymtime for me!!!

Today I've got a free card for the coming year to the PT's 'gym-lab'. This is great. I can come anytime, everyday and do my own thing. This is not a regular gym but one filled with all the rehab toys (foam roller, bosu ball, Swiss balls, tubes in all colors etc.). There are stationary bikes and also some simple weight machines. I can do pecs and triceps.

No dumbells, unless they are locked somewhere. There is a massage table so with some luck I could also do some back extensions. And last not least there's also my beloved rowing machine, heheh! Yay! I'm excited about this.It was some unexpected, pleasant surprise.

I will need to design some whole body routine for myself.

It will be a good arrangement because I can't keep the proper form on a normal machine, it's still too difficult, the whole shoulder package moves because the joint doesn't move so it's not a good idea to even try. But hopefully I will now be able to train around it. I was studying a model of a shoulder joint that was standing there on a shelf. A pretty complicated piece of equipment I'd say.

*David, thanks for your explanation.

*Subeer, I was afraid I'd need to jump like a frog
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Total Posts: 5576
The One and Only Pink Training Log
06-11-08 06:10 PM - Post#451488    

I didn't weigh myself for so time now but I see that I can get into a tight size 8. Time to start building muscles.

A pair of red pants that were tight a month and a half ago is now comfy so I've got a pair of tight green pants to keep myself on the target.

Today I quit a demanding work as a chairwoman and that time I now plan to invest into myself. I already feel lighter, LOL.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 5576
Rowing/July 2008 plan
06-11-08 07:00 PM - Post#451499    

I learned not to complicate things too much when it comes to training because it definitely kills any action. The head gets in, confusion follows and no training results.

I will be adding the rowing now plus doing the tubes rehab prescribed for my shoulder (daily). Later I'll expand with the body weight exercises. It is a ten minute walk to the gym and that can serve as a warm up with some jumping added.

Gotta also get in the foam roller and stretching. I plan to go to the gym in the late mornings. I think they open at nine o'clock. To start with an hour should suffice, regular walks are still on in the evenings.

Ho, so this is plenty. I hope it will settle in somehow. This is my plan for the rest of June and July.

I'll be eating normal style, no restricted diet. I also post one day's eating now and then. I didn't write down everything lately so it's good to be more precise now and then. arted.asp

Check it out:
It works pretty much all muscles. This should help me to wake my body up, no? sed.asp
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Total Posts: 1214
Re: The One and Only Pink Training Log
06-12-08 01:58 AM - Post#451587    

  • pink.pixie Said:
Today I quit a demanding work as a chairwoman and that time I now plan to invest into myself. I already feel lighter, LOL.

Good thing about taking control of your destiny.

Pix, have you tried thai/chinese massage for your shoulder? They are of the active release / scar tissue breaking variety. I did the thai one of my neck and shoulder. When the therapist was working on my lats (the wings bodybuilders show) where it attaches under the arm, I could feel it release a bunch of things inside my shoulder.
Life's a rock 'n roll
Means you keep rocking and rolling, no matter what, no matter how much; while people feel that you have to smash into the rocks and roll into a ditch...

In Training
Total Posts: 3799
06-12-08 02:00 PM - Post#451754    

Looks like you're on track, Pink!

That rowing looks intense!

I'm cracking up that it says not to try to row for 30 min the first time on it. So THAT'S what I did wrong.....

Let's see a pic of you in the 'challenge' green pants!
"The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary..."


Total Posts: 5576
no more red pants
06-12-08 02:54 PM - Post#451800    

  • Subeer Said:

Good thing about taking control of your destiny.

Pix, have you tried thai/chinese massage for your shoulder?

Me? Taking care of my destiny? It can't be done, Subeer, that would be a lost deal. I hired God to do the job.

But I know how you mean here. Let go is a necessity but to give up? Never.

Thai food yes. Thai massage no. I get the Breema sessions once a week now which is a softer work (Trager is, too). I will investigate the Thai massage. PT is pretty brutal with the joint. I get very different feed back about the shoulder issue (even when it comes to professionals). It's like if nothing seems to help, try anything.

I do not have the picture routine set up
I returned the red pants today and I was reimbursed. I was allergic to the red dye would you believe!? It never happened to me before. It's a pity, I really liked them. There was a peculiar situation with some sales person yesterday (I think she mistook me for someone else and she was rather rude) but after I talked to the boss of the department store today, things moved very quickly.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 1214
Re: no more red pants
06-13-08 04:25 AM - Post#452042    

  • pink.pixie Said:
I do not have the picture routine set up

Then we will take the picture of your doing the routine

Life's a rock 'n roll
Means you keep rocking and rolling, no matter what, no matter how much; while people feel that you have to smash into the rocks and roll into a ditch...

Total Posts: 5576
one piture and seven hundred posts
06-14-08 07:32 AM - Post#452455    

hehe, I have this camera I just never took the pain to connect it to my ancient day one day...

I am busy doing nothing and I still don't have enough time, LOL

Next week I get serious in PT's lab!
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 5576
Inspiration, obstacles
06-15-08 08:17 AM - Post#452656    

I am a sucker for transformations, Oprah have some great ones on her site, too, from time to time. Inspiring. st&ownerID=3&post _id=745

quote BP:

So, during the course of your fitness program, whenever something comes up that you believe might prevent you from finishing your program and successfully transforming your body and life—immediately ask, “What can I do to turn this negative into a positive? How can I make this work for me?”

Inner Strength

When you approach obstacles this way, you will experience an immediate boost in energy and confidence, both of which you will need to complete any fitness program. And by practicing this skill—by learning how to transform obstacles into advantages—by attacking challenges head on—you will not only continue to move forward, you will gain the inner strength to deal with anything life brings your way.

When you look at adversity this way, you realize misfortune is a bridge, not a barricade, to greater achievement. It represents the opening of doors, not the closing of them. When adversity strikes, don’t let it stop you. Promise yourself in advance you will transform that negative into a positive. It’s not just the right way to handle it, it’s the only way.

Excellence in Action: When faced with adversity ask, “What can I do to turn this negative into a positive? How can I make this work for me?”

from: p;articleID=28
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 5576
The One and Only Pink Training Log
06-15-08 08:57 AM - Post#452661    

I'd think it is pretty fair to say (picturewise) that I am now where Dona Szabo started. I like where she's got and the way she kept it. ters.asp?cmsId=1027
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 1214
06-16-08 01:58 AM - Post#452816    

God speed to you!
Life's a rock 'n roll
Means you keep rocking and rolling, no matter what, no matter how much; while people feel that you have to smash into the rocks and roll into a ditch...

Total Posts: 5576
just talking....
06-17-08 08:33 AM - Post#453162    

I will need to postpone my 'regular gym attendance' start until the next week. There's been too much pressure on me lately. But yesterday I pushed through a project that I had been working on a long time and I've got it approved by the board. Consequently I will be spending over a million crowns of others' money so I better know what I am up to. Duh. Done.

But it is just a always in life, an end of something is a start of something else, so even death (I wish to believe).

However, I do not compromize my walks too much, yesterday it was full three hours 9-12 pm in the big park.(Eating is also OK.)

You ought to understand that this is the peak of the summer time here when days are long (and nights almost non existing) so practically I still start at daylight and then there are those red Scandinavian sunsets. It never gets really dark even on this latitude. You should have your IOL bash here sometime!

Nature is healing after all the human envy and evil. It's a breather.

But these walks are energetically not a challenge anymore. Therefore I added some funky thing which I call 'interval lunge walk'. It gets my heart going a bit faster.

This coming week end we celebrate Midsommar (first week end after a full moon in June). Nowadays Swedes get together and get drunk, heheh. Everything is closed, worse than long Friday used to be prior to Easter. This is more Swedish than any 'artificial' national day ever will be-here.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 12873
06-17-08 09:47 AM - Post#453198    

Nice job on the project!
Nice attitude on life/death/life!
Midsommar sounds like FUN!
Great job on your interval lunge walking!!! I love it when someone comes up with something new and creative that works...
N-joy those sunsets....

~ Stingo ~

“A wise man once said nothing”
— a wise man

Total Posts: 4565
Re: just talking....
06-17-08 01:11 PM - Post#453274    

Midsommar sounds like a blast Pixie.

Lunge Queen
Total Posts: 797
Re: just talking....
06-18-08 12:56 AM - Post#453410    

Interval Lunge Walks..

Yes! Stellar goin there, Pixie.
Keep up the great attitude. U r inspiring. Thanx, friend. :)
Total Posts: 5576
The One and Only Pink Training Log
06-18-08 07:53 AM - Post#453437    

Thank you all for stopping by, how fun!

PR for me today: I can put my left hand to my waist, ya know the normal thing you don't even reflect upon normally, it feels like a milestone! It still doesn't look right, the whole shoulder package is deadly locked but it mooooves mooooore, LOL.

Christ, is it going to be like this from now on? Different parts breaking down? Spare parts not to be found anywhere? When 90 yo will I be happy if/when I manage to move my big toe? Can't be so...ugh....I refuse to believe that. Cajin himself must be some life insurance for the weak minded members of the human race.

I didn't weigh myself lately, I suppose the numbers are not moving down significantly but I can use all my clothes size 8 that didn't fit before and be comfortable.
I think that I'm just two-three pounds from my "always weight". However, I can see how the body eats fat now here, and now there, different spots. Above one knee, under the other knee and so on....patience, persitence, a positive mind frame, will all happen as it is meant to. God nibbles on me, heheh.

A new pair of jeans is 31"-32" so that is not that small....hmm...but it's OK on the whole. I need to start the regular resistence training otherwise the skin is not following the suit.

BU all safe and happy!
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Rex Khan
Total Posts: 1125
Re: winner's mindset
06-18-08 08:01 AM - Post#453438    

  • pink.pixie Said:
Note to myself

If you train the body, the mind will follow.
By pushing yourself in the gym, your mind is forced to come along for the ride. If your mind is weak, you will quit as soon as fatigue mounts. Fighters are trained to work through fatigue.
....If you want a strong, confident mind, you must develop this mindset in the gym.

Come to the fight overconfident, don't leave a room for doubt.

deep stuff pix, thanks for sharing..
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult. — E. B. White

Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it. - Mahatma Gandhi

To be stupid and selfish and to have good health are the three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, the others are useless. -Gustave Flaubert

Total Posts: 5576
Re: winner's mindset
06-18-08 02:34 PM - Post#453676    

Today one hour play time in PT's lab- I didn't want to wait until next a time slot free & went
5min lighter warm up rowing, bridges, lower back excer.,abs: crunches+ frogs, foam-roller, jumping, rehab excer. for shoulder, triceps, leg extentions 5x5, rowing at the end again 5 min higher resistance and stretch
(1hour total)

As you see, it is a pretty peculiar activity but better that than nothing, it will crystalize.
Then farmer's walk from food shop back with heavy bags (surely 20 pounds each) 15 min, pretty tough. I had to stop a couple of times.

Light speedy evening walk in the park 1,5 h with a couple of short interval jogs.

I must admit, I don't quite get the foam rolling....
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 1214
06-19-08 01:42 AM - Post#453853    

Welcome to the foam club. A bunch of us can cry together.
Life's a rock 'n roll
Means you keep rocking and rolling, no matter what, no matter how much; while people feel that you have to smash into the rocks and roll into a ditch...

Total Posts: 5576
weight check
06-19-08 03:13 AM - Post#453862    

OK, I was curious so I stepped onto the scale.
8 May 08: 62,5 kg
19 June 08: 60,5 kg's going well, the pace is slow and steady which is good.

Next weight goal could be to get onto steady 58 kg but I will need to focus on building some muscles so I don't expect my weight to tell me so much from now on, neither the size of clothes.

The check up method will be: measuring tape and the eye-mirror feed back.

Note on weight goals: 58kg is my lowest 'live on' weight. I had a few dips to 54 kg but I never stayed there. However, I think it might be the optimum for me so the news would be to achieve that (as mentioned on log previously). However, we'll see how motivated I will be to do that. I am not chasing extremes. I want a healthy weight to rest on and much improved muscle tone.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 5576
foam roller
06-19-08 03:24 AM - Post#453863    

  • Subeer Said:

Welcome to the foam club. A bunch of us can cry together.

Subeer, it doesn't hurt so much, the worse place is perhaps above my knees and maybe the kidney area on my back. It is not uncomfortable but my hair gets caught in it, I roll off the mat and I am not sure how you roll properly, small movements? For a while I had the roller vertically under my spine and used it for stretching, I rolled a bit sideways, like that, too... The foam-rollers they have there are 80 cm and 1 m long, ca 3" in diameter, dense enough but not hard) it can't be the roller, it must be meeee. I will experiment again today.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 5576
more on midsommar
06-19-08 03:34 AM - Post#453864    

Midsummer is connected to the summer solstice (June 20th this year) and also the St. John's day so historically it has mixed roots. Fertility celebration, strength. Don't forget Shakespeare and Misummer Night's Dream. Magic time. A girl should pick seven kinds of flowers and put them underneath her pillow when she sleeps. What happens? She turns into a pixie, LOL.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 580
Re: weight check
06-19-08 09:18 AM - Post#453900    

  • pink.pixie Said:'s going well, the pace is slow and steady which is good.

...I don't expect my weight to tell me so much from now on, neither the size of clothes.

The check up method will be: measuring tape and the eye-mirror feed back.

... I am not chasing extremes. I want a healthy weight to rest on and much improved muscle tone.

Pixie, congratulations on all that you've achieved so far, and continued success. How tall are you, btw? I very much enjoy following your log. My current status, in terms of the scale number not being so important but rather wanting to improve body comp, is much like yours.

For some of us, the "slow and steady wins the race" approach is best. It took me about two years to lose around 50 pounds, but again, for me, that was the right way, for many reasons. I sure have learned a lot along the way, and I continue to learn and try new things in terms of nutrition, exercise, and mind-body endeavors.

I imagine you are looking great, and it sounds like you're feeling pretty good, too.


In Training
Total Posts: 3799
06-19-08 01:53 PM - Post#454013    

You're doing great, Pink!

Love the flowers under the pillow trick!

You're got a good attitude!

"The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary..."


Total Posts: 5576
06-20-08 08:49 AM - Post#454275    

Hi girls!
Thanks for visiting, that's fun!

Kim, 50 lbs in two years
is just height is 160 cm (it is in inches at the beginning of the log, 5'4"?) I am not very tall but my PT is a head shorter...

Karen, it is the good company and common interest that helps to keep the direction. Definitely.

So how healthy is the Swedish Midsommar eating?
No smörgasboard (that happens at Christmas time). Herrings (=sill), new potatoes, the everpresent Swedish meatballs, salmon, renat(= pure spirit), and strawberries with cream. A body builder would get through the day with feathers intact.

Some dancing and jumping around the may-pole would do for work out, LOL. What is terribly depressing about this day is that the days start getting shorter. It is one hour a month difference in light (up or down). IOW definitely something you notice. Winter time it gets dark 3pm-9am. Now it is darker only 11pm to 2am. Big change.

It affects me. During winter I have difficulties to maintain a regual day/night rhythm, summer time I have no probs with it.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Ben Crawford
Total Posts: 1958
06-20-08 09:10 AM - Post#454297    

Every time I go into the local Ikea store I have this urge to visit Sweden!
"Don't accumulate possessions, accumulate experiences!" Mark Batterson

Total Posts: 5576
so what am I doing here?
06-20-08 09:27 AM - Post#454306    

"My mission is far from the iron heavy duty bombing style and yet on IOL I found a solid and useful chunk of information. So that is why I am hanging around." So I said.

My yesterday's hour in PT gym:

warm up with rowing 5min light, prescribed shoulder rehab with tubing (inner and outer rotation etc.), joint mobility for shoulders, bridges, outer thigh with body weight, inner thigh with pulley (is the machine called so?), back extensions, biceps, triceps, rowing 15 min with increasing the resistance each 5 min, stretching (legs only), foam roller attempt (let's call it so, LOL), balancing on a balancing board and also on a bosu type ball (higher-smaller), one leg at a time (ball's more difficult than the board). My right leg's fine, left leg was a disaster.

(Later I exchanged Jin Shin Jyutsu session with a fellow practitioner.)


I talked to a guy in sport shop. He was very wise: eat well, buy supplements if you can afford it and believe in it. Training he summed up as pull, push and squat, you'd all love him. Plain and simple besics. He looked good to prove it and he cautioned me to bring wheels to carry home the DBs (40 lbs total). Now that was nice of him, no farmers walk, LOL.

He wondered how come I am interested in body building; I don't look it. I didn't know what to say. I think it's a way to go, to get results. I actually think that the phraze 'looking good naked' describes it just fine. You never master the aging skin but do your best I say. Sleaveless dresses shouldn't be off limit, ever. LOL.
My comments:

I sure wonder what I am presently doing. I'd say I want my body to get used to some regular, scheduled work out time. Therefore I keep the resistance mild and I explore the possiblities in this free to use gym. My PT is on holidays so I booked a time slot with another girl (this coming Tuesday) to get another input and more exercise, mainly for hamstrings.

I am not ready to embark on Dave's LLT (ladies leg treatment). I keep that in reserve when I will need some heavier artillery later on. This is a play-time only but I am adding next level to my walks.

Again I am not trying to impress someone on the beach (even if such a thing can boost the self-confidence) nor am I trying to impress some EAS people in three months time. I need a sustainable way to live for the rest of my life. I am going to love myself, LOL!! Period. Then if anybody does that, too, it's just a bonus not a desperate need for confirmation and an attempt to manipulate anybody into certain way of being. Sounds dandy relaxing to me.

I will also seek a second opinion of yet another PT as what to do with the shoulder. I feel it is critical now when the pain subsided to start moving it in a right way. A friend who works with Trager treatments says not to do too much. He found my shoulder blades/back in prety good shape, moving around, some sore spot on the back but on teh whole it wasn't a catastrophe. My friend who is PT says go to the pain limit and a little over, push it because it is not in the acute state anymore. She had shoulder issues herself.

There are PT's working with Feldenkreis I found out through a neighbor last fall. It would be crazy not to use that if possible, I need to check it out.It's nearby. I gotta get a grip on the 'thawing phaze' of the frozen shoulder. I want back my full mobility!!! That was an exclamation mark prayer BTW, heheh.

(note: PT here means always physical therapist, not personal trainer)
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 5576
06-20-08 09:39 AM - Post#454308    

  • Ben Crawford Said:
Every time I go into the local Ikea store I have this urge to visit Sweden!

IKEA is a Swedish (now international) success. I think there's no home/house in Sweden where you wouldn't find some Ikea object (not necessarily a furniture but something that was bought there.)

IMHO one needs to know what to buy. You can find both cheap stuff and useful stuff there. I like Kamprad's (=the founder) company policy with employees. I liked the assortment better prior to them going international. Now they attempt to suit many different markets/demands. Some design is genuine even if they copy a lot.

Well, if anybody on IOL feels like visiting Sweden you are always welcomed.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 5576
IOL link
06-20-08 12:16 PM - Post#454388    

note to myself are-goblet-squats-goblet- squat-instruction/
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 4498
Re: IOL link
06-20-08 12:26 PM - Post#454396    

Pixie! I see you are progressing well and setting some admirable goals.

Good to see you so active in the pursuit of your goals.

All the best!

"You can take a ride through this life if you want, but you can't take the edge off the knife"

Ironeagle Army Training

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IronEagleFitness FB page

Total Posts: 12642
06-20-08 01:33 PM - Post#454444    

Excellent Job on the weight loss Pixie!!!You go girl:-)
Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated!!!

In Training
Total Posts: 3799
The One and Only Pink Training Log
06-20-08 02:01 PM - Post#454491    

I'll remember your invite if I ever get to Sweden! :D
"The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary..."


Rex Khan
Total Posts: 1125
06-21-08 03:12 AM - Post#454700    

so what do u know about frozen shoulders?
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult. — E. B. White

Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it. - Mahatma Gandhi

To be stupid and selfish and to have good health are the three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, the others are useless. -Gustave Flaubert

Total Posts: 5576
frozen shoulder+ food log
06-21-08 08:12 AM - Post#454722    

Thanks everybody for your kind and encouraging comments. I appreciate it. Nice sangha here It sure helps me to stay accountable!

  • Rex Khan Said:
so what do u know about frozen shoulders?

The cause is unknown. The name fits the trouble and the whole long process well. PT said some form of trauma (physical or mental). Generally there are guesses that it could be connected to thyroid hypofunction and structural imbalances, stress, IOW- take your pick, so to speak.

Honest professionals said 'I can treat it but if it responds positively I know it's not a frozen shoulder'.

My PT had an aggressive approach (=training) and finally I stopped coming to see her because it just increased the pain exponentially. Gentle movements and holding provided pain relief.

There are three phazes: a lot of pain and progressively diminished movement (in my case to zero joint mobility, I couldn't even dress (i.e. I had to choose clothes with buttons up front), I couldn't reach under the armpit of the other arm, couldn't carry any loads etc. It's hard to imagine. It impacted the daily life a lot. It hurts so that it disturbs your sleep. Doctor prescribed pain killers which I didn't take. Instead I controlled the pain with Jin Shin Jyutsu healing (holding certain SEL combinations). It worked. One can experiment with heat and cold. I did. Some heat helped me, too much heat made it worse, cold didn't help.

After eight months the pain diminished and the mobility started to increase, slowly. All exactly according to the protocol.

At that point I started the log and with help of IOL found some approaches I trusted but on the whole it is a trial and error journey.

Most of the help offered focused on trying to sell different aids.

In my case I suspect it is an unfortunate combination of several different factors and the final drop was a sudden overhead movement I did last August and about a month later the symptoms started to appear.

Sometimes they say after one shoulder heals the other starts acting up in the same way. I hope I'll be spared that particular experience mostly by finding a routine that strenghtens the whole body system in a right way.

Recently I found a book about frozen shoulder (trigger points approach) and I ordered it.

During the last week I consumed 400g cahew nuts total (nibbling only). Warning! So I log yesterday's eating:

Aloe Vera juice on empty stomach
10 am breakfast: yoghurt, banana, sun flower seeds, ground flax, rolled oats(1 Tbs)

12 pm lunch: ground beef 10% fat, green salad, cucumber, mozarella (60g), one maize cracker (7g carbs) with tahini, black tea with 1-2 dl barista milk (2,6%fat)

4pm snack: 1 cup cottage cheese 4% fat, cucumber, ground flax seed, 1 Tbs cashew nuts
afters (sweet): couple of raisins, 1 prune

5pm snack: 2 gl. water, 1 date

7.30pm dinner: 1 bowl cauliflower soup-homemade (content:cauliflower, potato, onion, milk, spice, 1tbs oil)+ parsley and radish in it-uncooked,
2 maize crackers with spread cheese, 1 Tbs cashewnuts

later (prior to [slow] walk 1,5 hour):1 date

10.30pm 3 scrambled eggs, 60g mozarella, 2 rings of a yellow bell pepper, red tea with soy milk

suppl during the day: fish oil (I could drink that stuff!! ), kelp, B complex, zink, selenium, Evit, silicon, magnesium, calcium, D vit

3.30am bed

I don't torture myself, I feel comfortable on this eating. I don't have a precise check on calories or macro-nutrients. I am just cruising right now.


After drinking water 'properly' (ca 2 liters a day) I feel that the body responds positively. One sure thing is that the thirst signal became more reliable. Absolutely no risk of confusing it with hunger. That feels good.
(ref. to the book earlier on this log)

I put the oats, raisins and sunflower seeds to a bowl and soak in water overnight. In the morning this can be eaten (without any additional cooking) as a porridge.

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 580
Re: frozen shoulder+ food log
06-21-08 01:06 PM - Post#454818    

  • pink.pixie Said:

During the last week I consumed 400g cahew nuts total (nibbling only). Warning!

This made me laugh. I do love nuts and I know they are healthy but I have to be *so* careful not to overindulge.


P.S. We are the same height - 5 ft 4. I've pretty much given up the idea that I'm going to get any taller.

Total Posts: 5576
06-21-08 01:17 PM - Post#454821    

A jewel from coach Scott Sonnon:

I promise to prove to you that "You are not too old, ugly, stupid, fat, uncoordinated, or poor; you are always and already living in an ageless state of brilliant, graceful flow!"

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 5576
06-21-08 07:01 PM - Post#454879    

huggulee gugulee....this is funky fun, life at its best!

The other day I read the stuff here on IOL concerning the thyroid dysfunction not showing in blood tests and I checked more symptoms than you would ever expect on the hypofunction. I add that my recent blood test was OK.
Today on my way home from walk I pass by (like hundred times before) an Indian restaurant. All of a sudden I see it is called MUKUL and I wonder what that means.
I get home and surf (starting on Michelle's new log) and quick enough I come to a page that explains mukul being a plant Commiphora Mukul instrumental in thyroid regulation. I think this is a sign! I will still measure the temps but so far it never came close to 37°C and I think I am going to order the mukul gugul whatever.... Discussing T3 therapy with my doc can be a dead end. I might as well take this into my own hands.

FOOD LOG-today

11.00 am: aloe vera
12.00 (am?pm) breakfast: oats, raisins, sunflower seeds (soaked) with yoghurt, ground flax, always organic banana
3.00pm lunch: ground beef 10%fat (palm size), brocolli lightly boiled, 60g mozarella, cucumber, one small carrot,1 tomato
kelp, B-complex,selenium, zink
5.00pm snack: 1 apple, 1 maize cracker with 1Tbs tahini, 1Tbs cashew nuts,1date, 2cups black cardemone tea with barista milk
8.00pm cauliflower soup (again-from yesterday)
walk 2h with 3xinterval lounge walks and some light 'step up test'-doesn't get my heart going but it's a change.
11.15pm gironda meal: 3 scrambled eggs, ground beef (palm size), 3green leaves of romain sallad
afters: pinch of raisins, 5 almonds, cuppa black tea with (cow)milk

water: 12 glasses

(No eating restrictions right now-I'm unwilling to starve.)

My walk after rain today was just lovely, all's fresh & green, great smelling air, jasmine's flowering, no people around- just two Germans jogging, (everybody has a hang over from yesterday, hahah), god's present everywhere-sunset- just dandy-very healing and nice and vibrant while peaceful, ahhh.

I found three steps in the middle of nowhere, perfect for step ups. I immediately named them dsun's steps, heheh.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 5071
06-21-08 07:30 PM - Post#454882    

food looks great!
what's the benefit of aloe vera juice? I've seen it in the health food shop and was tempted to buy it, but then had no idea why I would and decided to save my money...!
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
Henry David Thoreau

Total Posts: 5576
aloe vera
06-21-08 08:46 PM - Post#454896    

  • rosiec Said:

what's the benefit of aloe vera juice? I've seen it in the health food shop and was tempted to buy it, but then had no idea why I would and decided to save my money...!

Probably a wise decision.

The important thing is that you get a really good and clean, certified product. A few are. I was recommended this one (a RL product from a German company) by a 'health-therapist' and I was pretty sceptical. She said that it helps the absorbtion of nutrients which I had trouble with.
Moreover, she is a daughter of a national health Guru Number One, so I listened to her.
My recent blood tests looked all right but I have no way to determine if it really was because of the AV juice. In any case nothing got worse. Plus I like it so I don't mind. Once before I tried another brand (recommended by the girl who gives me facials) and I didn't like it and never bought another one.

So this is an experiment on my part.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

The Judge
Total Posts: 16490
Re: aloe vera
06-21-08 09:06 PM - Post#454898    

  • pink.pixie Said:
  • rosiec Said:

what's the benefit of aloe vera juice? I've seen it in the health food shop and was tempted to buy it, but then had no idea why I would and decided to save my money...!

Probably a wise decision.

The important thing is that you get a really good and clean, certified product. A few are. I was recommended this one (a RL product from a German company) by a 'health-therapist' and I was pretty sceptical. She said that it helps the absorbtion of nutrients which I had trouble with.
Moreover, she is a daughter of a national health Guru Number One, so I listened to her.
My recent blood tests looked all right but I have no way to determine if it really was because of the AV juice. In any case nothing got worse. Plus I like it so I don't mind. Once before I tried another brand (recommended by the girl who gives me facials) and I didn't like it and never bought another one.

So this is an experiment on my part.


Life is the great experiment. My whole life has been reading, learning, trying, testing, measuring. Good diet you have going on there.
Judge John

"You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves." - Abraham Lincoln

"I live, I lift, I ache, I am." - Dave Draper

"Moderation assures mediocrity -- nice, safe. Mediocrity is for the mediocre -- simple, okay. The intense rule; the mediocre follow." - Dave Draper

Every day innocent plants are killed by vegetarians. Help stop the slaughter. EAT MEAT!

Total Posts: 1214
Re: thyroid
06-22-08 01:55 AM - Post#454923    

  • pink.pixie Said:
I come to a page that explains mukul being a plant Commiphora Mukul instrumental in thyroid regulation. I think this is a sign! I will still measure the temps but so far it never came close to 37°C and I think I am going to order the mukul gugul whatever.... Discussing T3 therapy with my doc can be a dead end. I might as well take this into my own hands.

Have you thought about iodine painting?

Life's a rock 'n roll
Means you keep rocking and rolling, no matter what, no matter how much; while people feel that you have to smash into the rocks and roll into a ditch...

Rex Khan
Total Posts: 1125
06-22-08 06:21 AM - Post#454930    

thanks for the pixilicious info on the frozen shoulder, pinkie.. my dad (apparently) has it, and, despite my extensive, in-depth, and absolute knowledge of the Dark Arts, he refuses to hear me.. so.. yea, thanks. =)
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult. — E. B. White

Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it. - Mahatma Gandhi

To be stupid and selfish and to have good health are the three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, the others are useless. -Gustave Flaubert

Total Posts: 5576
frozen shoulder for rex k
06-22-08 09:11 AM - Post#454959    

  • Rex Khan Said:
thanks for the pixilicious info on the frozen shoulder, pinkie.. my dad (apparently) has it, and, despite my extensive, in-depth, and absolute knowledge of the Dark Arts, he refuses to hear me.. so.. yea, thanks. =)

sometimes parents don't know what's best for them, sigh...super-red-pic-rex, love it, looks hot like the weather!

we're swiming on in eternity..and perhaps h2o
(I can't, due to the F-shoulder, heheh, PT said you may try and looked doubtful, LOL, like I wouldn't float )

Shoulder is a complicated joint, biggest range of mobility of all joints we own and it can be tricky to diagnose. PT applied a specific test to determine what was what, so it could be even other troubles for fathers.
Typical here are the three phases....when the book comes I let you know if I find something new in it...
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 5576
Re: thyroid
06-22-08 09:37 AM - Post#454966    

  • Subeer Said:

Have you thought about iodine painting?

Hmmm, actually, I didn't. Could you please suggest a special iodine motif for my abs?

BTW Subeer, I think we went full circle here and arrived at the starting point again, check this concerning a mineral balance:


Iodine, which is high up on the atomic scale, requires near perfect pH for its assimilation into the body.

Iodine you may know, is one of the most important
minerals for proper functioning of the THYROID. But, the thyroid doesn't get access to iodine unless the body pH is near perfect. ",281,2962&q=4 91

The liver detox stopped itself so to speak some month ago, I did about half of the cure and I plan to take it up later again.

memo to myself: -low-thyroid-making-me-fe el-lousy/

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Total Posts: 1214
06-23-08 03:29 AM - Post#455139    

Yes Pix, iodine needs one to be PH balanced. I paint on different parts of the body and its getting absorbed. Kelp is also high in iodine, it also helps with detox in a big way. Kelp was a super food in the 60s!

Life's a rock 'n roll
Means you keep rocking and rolling, no matter what, no matter how much; while people feel that you have to smash into the rocks and roll into a ditch...

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