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Display Name Post: Deadlifts Aren't That Great
A 05-23-20 05:09 PM - Post#898391    

The deadlift is great for a few things, among them self-knowledge. I can think of three lessons that I learned from deadlifting. After taking first in the deadlift in my first (and only) powerlifting meet as a 129 pound lifter in the 132-pound class, I learned that hip injuries can take a long time to heal. Then, several years later, after working up to my all time best deadlift in the gym (400 at the same bodyweight), I learned that elbow nerve entrapment injuries take a REALLY long time to heal and sometimes require surgery (mine did). Then, as an old man, I learned that even light deadlifting can reveal how bad your scoliosis has gotten. Having learned what I can from the lift, I don't do it anymore.
Why are you squatting in the curl rack?
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