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Display Name Post: Adding heavy bag work in        (Topic#37462)
Total Posts: 846
11-11-20 05:48 PM - Post#904484    

I just started hitting a heavy bag a few weeks ago.
I have had it for years but never used it consistently.
I have not had any training other than YouTube.
I am just doing it for fun and it is supposed to help with Parkinson’s which my dad had.
Any suggestions
Total Posts: 379
11-11-20 05:59 PM - Post#904485    

Just for keep fit purposes work up to 3x3 initially. Wrap your hands. There's no right or wrong way really, I trained with a Thai boxing coach who swore by tabatas hitting a bag for 10x20s on/10s rest "like a dog straining at a leash" - and a boxing coach who thought hitting a heavy bag was next to useless. It's a tool like any other
Total Posts: 846
Adding heavy bag work in
11-11-20 06:14 PM - Post#904486    

I have been using gloves but not wrapping them.

Edited by tom6112 on 11-11-20 09:24 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 510
Adding heavy bag work in
11-11-20 07:37 PM - Post#904489    

I don't hit a heavy bag anymore but I did for a while and always enjoyed it. Wrapping of the hands reduces the chance of a hand injury. If you're a surgeon or professional sign language interpreter or a concert pianist or other like professions consider it. Read Jack Dempsey's "Championship Fighting" for great instructions on how to punch. The book is on Amazon $14.91 well worth it. It will massively increase the benefit you get out of heavy bag work as you bring your legs and torso to each punch.
Good Luck,

Edited by jamej on 11-11-20 07:45 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 379
Re: Adding heavy bag work in
11-12-20 06:30 AM - Post#904502    

  • tom6112 Said:
I have been using gloves but not wrapping them.

Get a set of the gel ones, I prefer wrapping my own but I've known too many people bind their hands too tight which I'm sure increases the chance of injury.
Total Posts: 1479
11-12-20 06:43 AM - Post#904503    

Consider doing pushups on your fists. This teaches you to keep your wrist straight, which helps you punch heavy objects safely. Also, a lesson or three with a boxing coach would be a very valuable investment.
Check out my critical-thinking blog at

Total Posts: 5140
11-12-20 02:47 PM - Post#904515    

Wrap your hands! Most commercially-available heavy bags are not very heavy and not very hard compared to what you would find at a proper boxing gym. The true heavy bags at those places resemble hitting a concrete post. Nevertheless, wrap your hands for sure. If you don't know how to use regular wraps, the gel ones probably work fine, but you should use something inside the gloves.

Since you are using it for fitness and fun, just do what you can. What are you doing now in terms of time?

I would think a good eventual goal would be six rounds (3 minutes on, 1 minute off). After you get there, add intensity rather than time.

Move around the bag, in both directions. Try to throw a *lot* of punches, and work different types. Once you get the footwork down, hooks are the most fun, IMO. Watch videos of Canelo Alvarez throwing hooks for inspiration.

Total Posts: 846
11-12-20 06:32 PM - Post#904522    

The bag I have is over 20 years and fairly hard.
Right now I am just moving around and hitting it for a few minutes.
Total Posts: 2360
11-13-20 12:44 AM - Post#904525    

Heavy bags are WONDERFUL carrying devices. And you can wrestle with them too.

Just saying...
"I think we often spend too much time focusing on max fitness
and not nearly enough on maintaining our minimums.
It seems we need to think sustainable rather than obtainable.
Meaning whatever we do today, we can do it again tomorrow.
Never taking so much from ourselves that we can't."

Dan Martin

Total Posts: 254
11-13-20 02:54 AM - Post#904527    

Would highly recommend Nate Bower. Has tons of videos you can hit the bag to, ranging from basic combos to interval type training. Excellent resource that can be found on YouTube.
Total Posts: 846
11-13-20 01:00 PM - Post#904556    

Ok I will look him up
Total Posts: 379
Adding heavy bag work in
11-13-20 01:36 PM - Post#904559    

  • tom6112 Said:
Ok I will look him up

Ross Enamait is a fantastic online boxing resource.

Edited by Matt_T on 11-13-20 01:36 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
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