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Display Name Post: Protests - doing it right        (Topic#37270)
Old Miler
Total Posts: 1744
06-15-20 04:28 PM - Post#899187    

Hi all

Brits on the forum may have seen this, but we had an inspiring story at the weekend I'd love to share.

Anti-racism protesters went to London to demonstrate. Far-right activists went to "defend the statues" and start trouble. One such guy was knocked down and in danger of getting badly hurt or worse by an angry crowd. And then one of our local sprint coaches (not my club, but our friends and rivals two miles away - he coaches my friend's kids) picked him up and carried him through the crowd to safety.

Made the carry look effortless too...

Total Posts: 2191
Protests - doing it right
06-15-20 05:23 PM - Post#899188    

Loaded carries for the win :)
Owen Brown, a Biomedical Scientist from Pontyclun, Wales.

Edited by Pontyclun on 06-15-20 05:46 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Total Posts: 264
06-15-20 05:27 PM - Post#899189    

The hatred in this world is really affecting me some much that I wept over this video. Great act of kindness. If only people would come to the knowledge that we are all one blood descended from our father Adam and not the racist doctrine that we evolved. Thanks for posting this remarkable story. May we be all given that we may use our strength in the right way.

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